[CQ-Contest] Contest Awards (CQWW & WPX)

Robert w5robert at blkbox.COM
Wed Apr 9 22:12:43 EDT 1997

> 	Anyone knows if there is any problem that has cause a delay
> 	on the contest awards mailing ?
> 	I still have not received my award for the 1995 CQWW nor for
> 	the 1996 WPX !!
> 	In the previous years I always got my certificates in time, 
> 	so I can't understand what's going on know !
> 	If anyone knows why, please e-mail .
> 			73 + Good DX + Good Contest !
>  | Pedro Pedroso                        |                            | 
>  | l38217 at alfa.ist.utl.pt               |  CT1ELP                    |


The FAX number at CQ is 516-681-2926, fax them weekly.
The Phone number at CQ is 516-681-2922, call them weekly.
Document previous fax's on each fax. 
73 Robert  W5AJ  w5robert at blkbox.com   

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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