Harry Flasher hflasher at mail.dayton.net
Tue Aug 26 22:46:22 EDT 1997

We have a pretty darn good site of a Multi-multi op in this contest but
only two confirmed operators.  There are a couple of maybes, but rather 
doubtful.  The site is the Grenada emergency operating center (EOC) at 
about 700 feet above sea level overlooking the Southern parr of St.
George's, the Capital.  It is situated between two old forts used to
protect the harbour area.

The other op and I agree we would like to have 3 or 4 more ops.  There 
should be plenty of good op time for all during the contest as well as 
before and after.

The site has a 2 element 40 meter beam up.  We have to put up the rest 
which are all available at the site assembled in major pieces.  We have
ordered some tower sections to be shipped (as of this AM, not yet arrived 
at the forwarder in Miami) part of which will be for the Grenada Radio
club House adjacent to the EOC which we can use for an operating position 
or two.  

We have been invited by the EOC folks to give an Emergency Training 
Session.  One of the YCCC ops (CW weekend) from last year, helped out 
when an instructor did not show.

Our plans are to arrive on Wed 22 Oct. and depart Tues 28 Oct.  Others 
may stay longer if they wish.

>From the States, there is only two practical airline flight connections I 
am aware of.  One is to get to Miami by early afternoon, use BWIA to
Barbados and LIAT to Grenada.  Arrival in Grenada is around 9PM - I don't 
have the times.  We underatand that you must claim luggage in Barbados 
and go thought customs and check in at LIAT.  The other routing is to get 
to San Juan for the 12:30 pm American flight to Grenada.  For the upper 
East coast and Orlando, Miami and Tampa (maybe Ft. Lauderdale) you can  
make connections in the same day; and in most cases get back on the same 
day (but rather late).  About everywhere else a stay over both ways
is needed.  Both confirmed ops staying over in Miami.

My wife is in hopes of an XYL wanting to join an OM on the trip.

Grenada offers a lot of tourist things to do.  It is a stop for many
cruise books, which you will see from the EOC docked or at anchor with 
launch landings.

I will answer brief E-mail questions, but if you are seriously interested 
I suggest you call me.  My phone, day and night, is 937-434-9616.

Best DX and contest activities to all.  73  Harry  W8KKF,  J37K   J3A

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