Last Minute NAQP SSB Team!!!!!

Sat Jan 18 09:52:24 EST 1997

Want to be on a team for NAQP SSB?  Quick.....E-mail me and you could be a
member of "Team Cramp".

Thanks  mike k5nz

>From N3BB at (Jim George, N3BB)  Sat Jan 18 15:02:38 1997
From: N3BB at (Jim George, N3BB) (Jim George, N3BB)
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 09:02:38 -0600
Subject: Amps in LP tests?
Message-ID: <v02120d04af06949644c7 at EIM-Mac-1.5tcp>

I have had the same problem with the 150 Watt limit of the NAQP.  When this
station operates it, we are barefoot (100W +/- on the TS940s).  It seems
more appropropiate to reduce the power limit to 100 Watts and get away from
the issue of "whether to amp it to 150W?"
73, Jim N3BB

>At 11:53 PM 1/16/97 +0000, you wrote:
>>> Guess this is another reason to have a 200W output xcvr. :-)
>>Absolutely.  That's one of the reasons I'd rather have a plain
>>FT-1000 over an 'MP!
>If there's a perceived 'need' to increase power to the maximum
>allowed under the rules, and if the majority of us still use
>exciters which have outputs in the neighborhood of 90-110W (which
>I'll bet covers 90% of us), why not LOWER the maximum allowable
>power output to, say, 100W instead of promulgating the perceived
>need to meet the 150W maximum limit?  It'd be a whole lot easier
>to REDUCE power than to BOOST it, and there'd be a lot less
>incentive to feel the need for extraordinary measures to do so...
>which probably helps to keep us a bit more 'honest'...
>73 - Tom Hammond   N0SS

>From N6NT at (Bruce Sawyer)  Sat Jan 18 15:19:01 1997
From: N6NT at (Bruce Sawyer) (Bruce Sawyer)
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 15:19:01 +0000
Message-ID: <19970118151858.AAA13319 at LOCALNAME>

Through the courtesy of WJET-TV, Inc. and station owner K3TUP, 
production of the WRTC 96 video has been completed and the tapes are 
now ready for distribution.  This 27-minute documentary of the 
biggest contesting event of 1996 captures all the excitement and 
drama of the competition and presents the contesting hobby at its 

Distribution of the tapes is being handled under the auspices of the 
Northern California Contest Club and the Slovenian Contest Club.  The 
tapes are available for a nominal shipping and handling fee, and any 
excess funds remaining after distribution will revert to the 
sponsoring organizations.  

If you want to order a tape recorded with NTSC format (the format in 
use in the US), send $10 in US currency (or a check made payable to
Bruce Sawyer) together with a gummed address label (max size 2" x 4") 
to the following address:

  Bruce Sawyer, N6NT
  15430 Bohlman Road
  Saratoga, CA 95070, USA 

If you want to order a tape recorded with PAL format (the format in 
use in many European countries) send either $10 in US currency or 15 
Deutch Marks together with a gummed address label to the following 

  Tine Brajnik, S50A
  Maroltova 13
  1113 Ljubljana, Slovenia 

We are prepared to ship to any location, worldwide, for the $10 
shipping & handling fee.  Our goal is to make available a copy of 
this tape to anyone who wants one.  Thus we do request your help in 
reproducing this announcement wherever you think appropriate in order 
that as many people as possible can be made aware of the video.

This announcement supercedes the information contained on the tape, 
as that notice was prepared before we had fully analyzed our 
distribution costs. 

Bruce Sawyer, N6NT
Co-chairman, WRTC '96

>From n2uck at (Roman S Makuch)  Sat Jan 18 10:26:44 1997
From: n2uck at (Roman S Makuch) (Roman S Makuch)
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 02:26:44 PST
Subject: VHF SS this weekend!
References: <199701171630.LAA22384 at>
Message-ID: <19970118.105458.4415.0.n2uck at>

On Fri, 17 Jan 1997 16:31:30 +0000 k3mm at (Tyler G Stewart )
>When you guys get bored on Sunday after the NAQP is over, try firing 
>up the
>old FM box and work a few guys in the VHF contest!  FM freqs used are
>typically 52.525, 146.55, 223.5, and 446.0, but any simplex freq can 
>be used
>except 146.52...NO repeater freqs.  Packet IS allowed for 
>Exchange is just your grid square.
>Contest starts at 1900Z Saturday and ends at 0400Z Monday.  73 es CU 
>Tyler K3MM (2m @ K3MQH FM19hx)
You forgot to mention that National Simplex frequencies are not allowed.

73 de Roman, N2UCK

>From bagno at (Dmitri Bagno, RW3FO)  Sat Jan 18 17:29:35 1997
From: bagno at (Dmitri Bagno, RW3FO) (Dmitri Bagno, RW3FO)
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 20:29:35 +0300 (????)
Subject: LZ Open Championship address?
Message-ID: < at>

What a nice thing is LZ Open Championship!
Exchange (Nr.QSO & Nr.QSO of previous correspondent) and high rate
reminds USSR championship on the end of '80-th- a great russians battle.. 
So I regret that in this contest I could take part in first two hours only.

By the way, does anybody know email address for log submitting --
only snail-mail is mentioned in LA9HW Web contest calendar.

RW3FO, Dmitri Bagno, Moscow
bagno at

>From w5robert at blkbox.COM (Robert)  Sun Jan 19 04:43:44 1997
From: w5robert at blkbox.COM (Robert) (Robert)
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 22:43:44 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Low Power limit
Message-ID: <9701182243.aa23789 at blkbox.COM>

> And one radio.  And one antenna.  And no computers.  And no memory
> keyers.  And use callsigns six characters long.
> Hey, wait a minute!  Last time we did this, people got angry and told
> us we were cheapening the contest!
> --Trey, N5KO (ex-Derek)

Maybe.  Except for the TDXS cries of joy for
taking the devilish Derek's seriously and putting them in their
73 Robert  W5AJ  w5robert at   
(the tdxs guys would be too humble to point that out...)

>From aa0cy at (ROBERT WANDERER)  Sun Jan 19 04:36:00 1997
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 20:36:00 -0800
Subject: Petition (100W)
Message-ID: <01BC0581.224CA660 at>

I vote to have the standard three power levels QRP/100W/QRO used in almost every other contest.  Barring that, leave things as they are.
73, Bob AA0CY

From:  Scott Ellington[SMTP:sdelling at]
Sent:  Friday, January 17, 1997 7:56 AM
To:  Chad Kurszewski WE9V
Cc:  W9NQ at; merchant at; cq-contest at TGV.COM
Subject:  Re: Petition (100W)

Chad Kurszewski WE9V wrote:
> I know you guys were comtemplating this recently, but to make it official,
> I hereby petition you to reduce the NAQP transmitter power down to 100W.
> You know the reasons, so I know I don't have to get into it.  Let's just
> do it.

I'll second that.


Scott  K9MA
sdelling at

>From floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Sun Jan 19 05:28:05 1997
From: floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 01:28:05 -0400
Subject: NAQP SSB & CW Scores
Message-ID: < at>

Now I will be doing both the CW and SSB contests I beg of you to put in 
subject line your call which contest the score is for. 



That is all I need and will keep me from putting the score in the wrong 
test and then you having to send me email to correct it.

Thanks to everyone who worked my in the SSB test.

73 Jim


>From Brian_McCarthy at (Brian McCarthy)  Sun Jan 19 14:07:59 1997
From: Brian_McCarthy at (Brian McCarthy) (Brian McCarthy)
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 09:07:59 -0500
Subject: Operations from Aruba
Message-ID: <2e22c0b0 at>

     Hello All,
     Anna and I will be leaving for Aruba this morning. We'll be there for 
     two weeks, until Feb 1, and we hope to both be able to operate on HF. 
     I will be P40X and Anna will be P4/N9KHC. The primary antenna will be 
     a wire flown from a kite, so operations may be sporadic. Luckily, the 
     winds on Aruba are generally strong and steady. I'm just not sure how 
     strong they are through the night.
     During the weekend of Jan 25-26 I plan to particapate in both the UBA 
     SSB and the CQ 160M CW contests, SOP/LP. I expect that I will be 
     doing mostly search and pounce operations, but if conditions and the 
     antenna permit, I will try to call CQ. The 160M operation will be 
     concentrating on the USA during the evening and night. I will try my 
     best to hand out P4 to UBA operations during the day.
     P49I and P40WA will also be on the island each running HP for the 
     160M contest. I'm glad they are at the other end of the island!
     Brian McCarthy NX9O soon P40X
     brian_mccarthy at

>From n4bp at (Bob Patten)  Sun Jan 19 16:11:45 1997
From: n4bp at (Bob Patten) (Bob Patten)
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 11:11:45 -0500 (EST)
Subject: FSFD (50 States) Update for Jan 19 (fwd)
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.970119111123.28946A-100000 at hyper>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 10:51:31 -0500
From: Jim Hydzik <congress at>
To: Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion <qrp-l at Lehigh.EDU>
Subject: FSFD (50 States) Update for Jan 19

Hello ALL,      (QRP activity info at

The 50 States In 50 Days (FSFD) activity started Jan 01 and runs through
Feb. 20.  Below is a the schedule of States for the next few days.  We will
attempt to provide digested schedules of states/times/bands/freqs. to help
reduce message traffic to the reflector.  Typically, only 1 message per day.
                                          ALL TIMES UTC
Jan. 19  Sunday   MAINE, WA5CVM, Joel 0400-1300  OPEN  See Note
                                      1300-1400      UTC    7.040
                                      1700-1900            10.115
                                      1900-2200            10.060
                                      2200-2400             7.040
  Joel will handle special requests: email jdenison at
      or (non-collect) 1-207-778-5099
  Joel will work until 15 minutes after top of the hour if no reply

Jan. 20 Monday  MARYLAND       NF3I, Scott     TBA  Busy Guy :)

                        N3REY, John  1000-1200   MON-UTC   3.555
                                     1201-1300             7.042
                                     1301-1400            10.116
                                     2000-2200            10.116
                                     0001-0200   TUE-UTC   7.042
                                     0201-0300    "   "    3.555


Jan. 21 Tuesday MASSACHUSETS WA1QVM  2000-2100       UTC  14.057
                              Joel   2100-2200       UTC  10.108
                                     2200-0100             7.037
                                     0100-0200   WED-UTC   3.557

     KANSAS    KANSAS  WA0EAF, Gary  0100-0300   WED-UTC   7.040
                                     0330-0500   WED-UTC  10.110
                                       If 30M dead, then   3.560

     KANSAS           KB0PZD, Bruce  2100-2300       UTC  14.060
                                     2300-0100             7.040

                      KG0MZ, John    0500-0600   WED-UTC   3.560


Jan. 22 Wed. MICHIGAN    WA8LCZ, Byron 2000-2200     UTC 14.060-062
                                       2200-0000          7.041-043
   NOTE: Byron will also do MI on      0000-0500 THUR-UTC 3.697-700
         Jan. 25 on 18.085 15-2000z

            WA8CDU       WA8CDU, Bill  2200-2400     UTC  14.060-062
                                       0000-0200 THUR-UTC  7.038-040

                             W8KC, Paul          TBA

                             W8RU, Ron           TBA


Jan. 23 Thursday MINNESOTA  K0EVZ, Doc 2300-0130       UTC  7.040
                                       0130-0300   FRI-UTC  7.112
                                       0300-0500   FRI-UTC  7.040

                             N0UR, Jim 2000-           UTC 14.060
       Let's keep Jim Busy.            2100-           UTC 10.116
       He'll stay on as long           2200-           UTC  7.040
       as the calls keep coming.       0100-       FRI-UTC  3.580
 Jim will check 21.060 @ 15 minutes past the hour starting 2000 UTC

               WEST VIRGINIA  K5IID/8  0100-0330   FRI-UTC  7.055
                                       0345-0500   FRI-UTC  3.535
Jan. 24 Friday WEST VIRGINIA  K5IID/8  1230-1300       UTC  3.565
          Tom will be active all day,  1330-1400            7.055
          signing K8IID/8/WVA and ck   1500-1530           10.110
          Novice segments of active    1530-1630           14.045
          band at 15 min past the hr.  1700-1730           21.065
           Sugg. 7.112 & 3.708 MHz.    1730-1800           28.065
       Tom will also be available on the 160M contest Friday night

 MS          MISSISSIPPI  K5XU, Mike   0100-0330  SAT-UTC   7.042

Most every sign-up came with a note saying they would go longer if busy.
Frequencies are +/- QRM & typ. may reach as far as 3-4 KHz from posted freq.

CALLING CQ:  A suggestion.  If we call CQ WAS  or  WAS QRP de K6....  etc,
we give those not on QRP-L an indication of what we're doing.  FSFD type
calling might be too cryptic for all but ourselves.  However 'FS' is fine
when busy.  Exchange RST, State/Province/Country, and Name.  Power level is
nice to know.

ALASKA & HAWAII:  Jim-AL7FS is back from Hawaii and will activate ALASKA as
soon as KL7Y's 40M beam repairs are complete.  Watch for Jim's postings.
Thanks to him for the HI effort.
KB0ROL is in HAWAII until Jan. 25 and will post his time/freq info to the
group when ready.  Best guess is Thursday 0200-0400 UTC on 20M or 40M.  More
info soon.

If you want to sign-up for an upcoming State, e-mail band/freq/time directly to:
                         congress at
Thanks for all the responses/encouragement and suggestions.  Lets have a blast!

Jim  K3QIO  Wilmington, Delaware  

>From floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Sun Jan 19 16:12:29 1997
From: floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 12:12:29 -0400
Message-ID: < at>


Compiled by: WA4ZXA
<floydjr at>

Date Posted: 01/19/97
******** FINAL POSTING **********

CALL         SECT   HRS    SCORES    QSO'S     PTS     QTH      DX


V31JU                      53,508      653     637      56      28
HK3SGP                     21,900      300     300      50      23
UR5IBG                     12,250      246     245      14      36
KL7/KG5EG                  11,918      203     202      49      10
JE2UFF                      6,517      133     133      14      35
ON6CR                       1,566       54      54       6      23
7K4QOK                      1,134       42      42      17      10

AA5AU          LA    24   113,568     1092    1092      56      48
WT4I           FL    24    86,526      883     874      57      42
KA4RRU         VA    24    77,714      804     793      54      43
VA3MM          ON          74,250      675     675      55      55
KD5ZM          AR    24    71,502      705     701      56      46
N1RCT          ME          69,276              753      54      38
K2DS           NY    22    68,340      670     670      53      49
WA4ZXA         NC    24    65,856      672     672      54      44
N9CK           WI    24    59,696      676     656      53      38
W1TY           NY    24    59,470      626     626      54      41
K0SM           NE          59,220      660     658      53      37
N2NFG          NC          55,419      638              54      33
VE6WQ                      50,220      620              53      28
VE6KRR         AB          47,508      645     642      54      20
WA6ILT/1       MA          46,228      509     508      48      43
K0DI           CA          34,840      520              53      14
KC4HW          FL    11    32,625      379     375      53      34
K1TGS          CO          31,557      471     471      53      14
W6/G0AZT       CA    20    27,255      398     395      51      18
K0BX           MO    18    27,075      363     361      47      28
WA4JQS         KY    13    26,967      303     303      52      37
KF2OG          NY          25,840      345     340      52      24
WB2HMF         NY          25,228      372     371      51      17
KA2CYN         NY          24,101      317     313      50      27
W7RSJ          WY          23,460      391     391      48      12
VE7CFD         BC          23,424      389     384      53       8
AA9RR          WI          20,460      310     310      49      17
N9THC          IL    20    19,782      331     314      46      18
N7UJJ          AZ    20    19,320      349     345      47       9
N7EX           WA    15    18,837      300     299      49      14
W5DG           IA          18,360      307     206      49      11
KF9LI          IL          17,050      275     275      47      15
WA4GKM         TN    14    16,256      254     254      44      20
K0RC           MN     6    15,114      229     229      46      20
VE2AXO         QC    12    14,616      232     232      50      13
N2QLQ          NJ    13    14,214      206     206      47      22
W8HVX          MI          13,862      239     239      44      14
N3UN           MD    10    13,735      205     205      46      21
AC6DR          CA          13,520      260     260      47       5
AK0A           KS          13,144      248     248      40      13
KA3TOV         PA          12,824      229     229      49       7
W2JGR/0        MN     9    12,324      237     237      45       7
KC7MJ          AZ          11,880      216     216      46       9
N5MTS          TX    11    11,232      210     208      49       5
KD4HXT/7       AZ    20    10,800      225     225      45       3
WA3ZKZ         DE          10,692      198     198      45       9
N9OKD                19    10,500      175                  60
KF8VX          OH    20     8,694      127     126      46      23
WU1F           MA     8     7,236      134     134      41      13
N3MA           VA     7     7,176      138     138      48       4
AB5SE          AR           7,003      149     149          47
KB9KWL         WI           6,440      140     140      41       5
K9RRB          MD           6,016      128     128      40       7
N1AU           MA           5,978      122     122      37      12
K5LK                 12     5,452      116     116      42       5
K7EX           OR           5,220      116     116      40       5
N1AFC/QRP      ME    10     4,002       88      87      28      18
K7MK           ID    10     3,762       99      99      37       1
N0UVR          CO     5     2,574       78      78      33       0
K1MV           ME           2,040       60      59      26       8
K8AI           MI     5       414       23      23          18
N2CQ/QRP       NJ             364       26      26      12       2


YL2KL                      54,450      605     605      32      58
DJ5JK                      47,216      458     454      45      59
CE8SFG                     45,684      491     486      51      43
OH2LU                20    36,261      459     459      32      47
OH2GI                      30,750      412     410      29      46
DL4RCK                      7,682      167     167      11      35
PA3EWP                      5,888      129     128      10      36
LY2CG                16     3,534       93      93      15      23

K3MM           MD         143,750     1274    1274      56      59
K5DJ (@W5KFT)  TX    24   141,191     1332              58      48
K1AM           RI    23   132,868     1141    1126      56      62
W7GG           OR    24   122,745     1179    1169      55      50
VY2SS                21    93,000      930     930      53      47
K4GMH                24    87,035      860     845      54      49
KN6DV          CA    24    86,260      929     908      56      39
N2DL                       81,984      732     732      54      58
VE6JY                24    79,768      767     767      54      50
K0KO           MN          78,027      842     839      54      39
K5OT           TX    20    75,330      810     810      54      39
N9ITX/7        MT    16    74,120      872              54      31
W3BD           PA          71,040      751     740      55      41
K7WM                       68,352      785     768      56      33
W7TI           WA    22    67,322      832     821      56      26
WB5B           TX    18    65,790      739     731      55      35
N2FF           NY    22    64,680      666     660      56      42
NO2T           NJ    19    59,461      640     613      51      46
AF4Z           FL          54,284      679     662      53      29
K4BU           FL          54,029      575     557      56      41
N6HC           CA          47,663      619                  77 
KE1FO          MA          43,344      506     504      55      31
KA3JFI         PA    19    40,392      466     459      52      36
K4DB           SC    14    39,750      531     530      51      24
ND5S           MI    17    36,800      400     400      52      40
VE7SAY         BC          32,782      450     443      56      18
KD8FS          MI    19    26,220      437     437      50      10
K2WK           NJ     6    23,790      314     305      48      30
VA3WTM         ON          19,136      299     299      50      14


KF4KL          NC          59,878      611     611      52      46
WS1E           NH          55,488      544              52      50
K5ED           TX    24    53,460      660     600      54      27
N1JEB          MA    24    53,070      611     610      53      34
W5VZF          MS    24    39,759      459     457      53      34
VE6RAJ         AB          39,468      599     598      53      13
N3IXR          PA          28,911      421     419      52      17
AA0ZS          MO    24    14,796      274     284      48       6
KC5WBL         TX    19     5,670      135     135      37       5


GI0KOW                     97,460      886     886      53      57
OT7E                       63,600      640     632      45      55
GW5NF                24    59,892      652     644      44      49
JR5JAQ                     15,844      233     233      26      42

W7RY           WA    24   109,140     1084    1070      52      50
AA4NC          NC         104,858      972     962      56      53
W0SD           SD          90,528      984                  92  
KC7V           AZ    24    88,752     1045    1032      55      31
W3BD           PA          71,040      751     740      55      41
VE3FJB         ON          56,602      633     622      56      35
K8AA           MI          54,114      644     622      52      35
N0ISE          CO          50,998      594     593      54      32

Multi/Op Operator List

N1JEB        N1JEB,N1JIT
W3BD         N3KVF,NE3H
KC7V         KC7V,N7MB,WA7LNW
N0ISE        N0ISE,WD0E
AA0ZS        AA0ZS,KG0IT
WS1E         K1SI,N1MEO,NO1V,WS1E,WW1Y
K5ED         K5ED,KA5TQF,K5VI,K9RU
W7RY         WS7I,W7RY


or the WB1B reflector for this contest.

73 Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at << *

>From floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Sun Jan 19 16:12:35 1997
From: floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 12:12:35 -0400
Subject: NAQP CW Jan 97 Scores IV
Message-ID: < at>

NAQP CW 1997

Compiled by: WA4ZXA
<floydjr at

Date Posted: 01/19/97

CALL               SCORE        QSOS        MULTI


K4AAA (N4VJ)      274,688       1073         256
N5TJ              245,520        990         248
N4ZZ              201,354        907         222
N2NC (@N2NT)      198,398        874         227
K3MM              193,118        866         223
N4BP              191,744        896         214
K0EJ              190,314        873         218
K4OJ              187,620        795         236
VE3EJ             175,266        749         234
K7UP (KN5H)       172,886        742         233
NY4A              172,270        805         214
K5GO              171,756        734         234
WA8ZDT            168,240        804         209
K4FXN             167,420        761         220
K6LL              166,870        814         205
K4NO              166,246        823         202
KN4T              163,314        774         211
WC4E              163,229        781         209
K4AB              161,994        798         203
N5OT              160,011        773         207
K7SV              159,278        734         217
KC6CNV            159,120        816         195 
K4AMC             152,859        753         203
K5OT              148,212        716         207
K6LA              146,600        733         200
AD5Q              141,930        747         190
K4RO              137,609        713         193
N5LZ              136,200        681         200
W4PA (@K4FW)      134,520        760         177
W9WI              134,469        669         201
N5FG (WQ5L)       133,300        775         172
W8MJ              129,828        698         186
K0RX              129,786        669         194
WB5B              127,380        660         193
AA3B              124,620        620         201
K9MA              124,032        646         192
N6NT              123,300        685         180
W4EF              122,570        599         206
WF3T              121,344        632         192
N4YO              121,338        642         189
WO4O              119,970        645         186
N5TU              119,145        611         195
K4MA (@AA4NC)     118,692        628         189
K6ZZ              117,800        620         190
K6AW (@N6RO)      117,650        650         181
K9WIE (@K9BZ)     116,701        611         191
N6KI              116,298        639         182
K0RC              114,030        630         181
KU8E              110,349        603         183
N5DU              109,928        604         182
WA5WJU            108,885        595         183
K9TM              108,000        600         180
KE3Q              107,690        605         178
N4UK              102,921        609         169
KN4QV             102,284        562         182
N4CW              101,369        607         167
KG5U               96,832        544         178
K1VUT              93,457        553         169
WD4AHZ             92,382        519         178
WA8YRS             86,460        524         165
K3TLX              85,514        506         169
N9FD               81,174        498         163
N5UL               76,960        481         160
N3IXR              73,628        466         158
K9EY               71,568        497         144
KW9KW              69,462        454         153
AC4ZO              68,320        488         140
W4AU               68,295        471         145
WB0OLA             67,014        459         146
N4ZR               64,680        440         147
N8JF               64,240        440         146
KB3AFT             59,940        405         148
KE2VB              53,793        387         139
W8CAR              53,568        372         144
WA3SES             52,060        380         137
K1TO/4             51,152        368         139
KB5IXI             50,552        356         142
AA9OC              49,920        384         130
N4GN               49,028        412         119
KA9FOX             48,498        354         137
KK5GT              47,121        339         139
KA8OKH             46,827        387         121
K1HT               43,920        366         120
K8MR               41,667        323         129
K4NA               41,375        331         125
N8YYS              40,375        323         125
K5WO               35,695        295         121
W1NN               32,472        264         123
WD0T               30,592        239         128
N7EX               30,015        261         115
K3WWP/QRP          28,122        258         109
N4VI               26,520        260         102
N0PGL              26,311        317          83
KA9EKJ             23,436        217         108
K8KFJ              20,748        273          76
AB5SE              20,200        202         100
KK1L               19,776        192         103
W1HIJ              15,253        186          82
W4ZW               13,376        209          64
W3CP               12,384        145          86
WA7BNM             12,090        155          78
N9JF                9,801        121          81
W8PT                5,959        101          59
K6RO                5,936        106          56
N9CO                5,800        116          50
NS0B                3,430         70          49
KB3A                3,000         75          40
N9YXA                 912         38          24
KK7A                  756         36          21
AB1U                  660         30          22


KS9K              308,750       1235         250
W5NN (@K5XI)      292,333       1213         241 
N0NI              263,648       1183         224
KO7X              158,360        885         185

Team Scores

Florida Contest Group           798,289
TCG #1                          782,843
TCG #2                          354,192

Operator List

W5NN        AB5LX,K5NZ
N0NI        WO0V,W0FLS,N0NI,N0AC
KS9K        WE9V,K9PG
K07X        KO7X,W7CT



73 Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at << *

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