[CQ-Contest] New CQWW class OF/MS

Ken.Silverman at zool.AirTouch.COM Ken.Silverman at zool.AirTouch.COM
Thu Nov 6 19:41:42 EST 1997

Ken Silverman at AIRTOUCH
11/06/97 07:41 PM

>Has actually used a lightbulb to tune up a transmitter

That means I'm an old fart at 38 years old  :-(

But light bulbs can sometimes be a good antenna...

Real Story:  I had used a GE 100w light bulb when practicing loading up a
Collins radio whlie down in Virginia, and heard a few signals on 40m.
As a lark, I gave them a call, and they came back to me!  I actually had a
QSO on 100w light bulb (3' of twinlead going to it).  The guys didn't
believe me when I told them my antenna was a GE 100w light bulb.  QSO was
with  a station located in PA.

M/S:  I dont know what all the complaining is about the M/S class.  It's
different, and it's fun.  If you look at this years WW SSB postings on the
3830 reflector, there are an awful lot of M/S entries, and many of them
have big scores with modest setups.   From what I can see, the WW M/S has
been a growing category for the past few years.   It seems that most people
in the world don't think it's broke.   WW M/S is way more fun than the ARRL
M/S which the MOST BORING  category of any contest IMHO.   Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Kenny K2KW

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