[CQ-Contest] WB5M = N5ZC

Richard Thorne rthorne at arn.net
Tue Nov 25 18:29:44 EST 1997

Well I had to jump on the band wagon eventually.  I'm gonna miss my
old call but it sure is going to make my cw sending easier to copy.
No more w6hm etc....

My new callsign effective 11/25 is now N5ZC.  Sure will make
contesting from N4ZC's easier, I think.  Every year I make the first
10 or so contacts with my own call and have to change it to Rogers
call during the exchange.  Now all I have to do is change the number.
Did I just make this harder???.....

Richard Thorne - WB5M (I mean N5ZC)
Amarillo, TX

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