R: [CQ-Contest] A modern Multi Single or.........?

Fabio I4UFH i4ufh at contest.dsnet.it
Mon Aug 17 22:08:13 EDT 1998

May too late, I was back home only today from holidays, to comment about
the IARU P3A activity.....

But what do you think about the 1997 European Champion with 4713 in 24h ??

If someone could think that 4500 qso could an achievable target, from SA/NA,
it seem difficult from Asiatic Country, with 10m so closed with EU, well
it's sure impossible from EU, or the East European techique it's a new way
to M/S
that has been also used also in the P3 ????

HG1S 3.847.788 4.713 252 3,24 196 Op's HA1TJ, DAC, AH, AR, AV, DAI, BN

The Feb flame about the IARU results has started to have they effect, isn't
there an ARRL Contest Manager  place vacant  ???

73 de Fabio I4UFH one of IR4T

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