[CQ-Contest] Sending callsigns

T A RUSSELL n4kg at juno.com
Sun Jul 19 10:20:14 EDT 1998

During S & P, I will give the DX station 2 or maybe 3 contacts
to identify. If he does not, I dump in my call and ask for his.
That is faster for me because I am usually able to prevail
in S & P, especially for close in stuff.  If it is dupe, I figure 
it is THEIR problem.  When other people do the same,
if their minds are still functioning, they usually figure out
that it is in their best interest to identify more often.

de  Tom  N4KG

On Fri, 17 Jul 1998 23:55:27 -0700 Kelly Taylor <ve4xt at mb.sympatico.ca>
>John et al,
>As a perennial S&Per, it seems to me that sending one's call after 
>Q is not only wise operating habit, it's common courtesy to the 
>who may wish to call you.
>Soooooooo often, a (predominately so) DX station will run 10 guys 
>signing, ostensibly in the misguided belief that the 10 guys he might 
>want to work already know who he is. In my mind, this is not only bad 
>contesting practice, it's downright rude to expect either: passing 
>stations to dump their call only to be told they are dupes, or 
>to hang around for another nine Qs before figuring out who you are.
>73 all,
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