[CQ-Contest] 10m contest
John T. Laney, III
K4BAI at worldnet.att.net
Tue Dec 14 17:34:03 EST 1999
Hi Jeff: Boy, you had a great signal here most of the weekend. Unusual
conditions for 10 meters. On the other hand, we had almost no loud
signals here from the W1/2/3/8 areas. I'd always want you to tell me
about the bad signal. I might not do something about it during the
contest (depending on just how bad it really was), but, if you don't
tell me, I'd likely sound the same lousy way the next contest. I heard
the 6 you mentioned. I am afraid I didn't tell him. Last year, though,
there was a 6 with several spurious signals up and down the band and I
did tell him for sure.
I wonder if anyone else noticed a weak signal several khz higher than
the main signal of WP2Z this weekend? I didn't tell him either as it
didn't really bother me, but I heard it every time I tuned past him and
heard it on no other signals. Maybe the operator or owner (whoever
provided that particular transceiver) will see it here and check it out.
73, John, K4BAI/8P9HT.
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>From Ron Wetjen <wd4ahz at arrl.net> Tue Dec 14 22:32:25 1999
From: Ron Wetjen <wd4ahz at arrl.net> (Ron Wetjen)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 22:32:25 +0000
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Working Dupes
References: <93C6F6B4CBF6D2119EDB00805F9F2C8158BED2 at LP-PDC>
Message-ID: <3856C578.D33414DB at gte.net>
"Gilmer, Mike" wrote:
> W2XXX's log has HG1S in it: OK. It also has HG1H in it. HG1H is not in the
> contest, so he is a unique. W2XXX gets credit for the QSO; uniques count.
> Last time I heard, only callsigns are checked. A big list (like a dupe
> sheet) of all calls worked (by band)is made and then compared. No attempt
> is made to check the times of the contacts.
So, in other words ...
When called by a dupe, just bust his call, and you'll get credit for the
QSO. And if you're not sure you actually worked a station, call him
again, and if he says your a dupe (and he's not in your log), go ahead
and log him.
I'll have to re-edit my 10 Meter log ... adding 58 Q's and another mult
to my log!! That'll really help my score!
One of the W1AW/4 Crew - IARU/WRTC-2000
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