[CQ-Contest] re: 10 Meter Contest Rule Violations

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Fri Dec 17 11:36:26 EST 1999

Peter Stafford writes:
> George, K5TR writes:
> > It also does not stop folks from answering those CQing stations.
> >
> > Answering those stations is NOT against the rules of the contest.
> >
> But the rules state that "the frequencies from 28.3 to 28.35 Mhz are
> designated as a non-contest window".  To me that says you can't answer
> anyone there either!
> Pete, C6A/K2PS

That is NOT what the message from N1ND (ARRL Contest Branch) says.

This is why I suggested everyone read it.

I quote..."You won't incur any penalty or risk by answering them..."

You can read the entire text here:




George Fremin III          "I'm talkin' 'bout that outlaw X
Johnson City, TX             It's cuttin' through the air.... "
K5TR (ex.WB5VZL)              
830/868-2510                      -- "Heard it on the X"
geoiii at kkn.net                               -- ZZ Top

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