[CQ-Contest] Xcvrs as carry-ons

Tim Totten, N4GN n4gn at n4gn.com
Thu Aug 24 11:21:19 EDT 2000

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, S Nace wrote:

> What are the problems at the airport security checks
> with Xcvrs as carry-ons? Have you been asked to power
> on the radio? Without a Pwr Supply, this may be a
> challenge.

I've heard people mention this problem before, but I've never run into it
personally.  And I've hand carried radios through at least 60-70
countries.  Maybe I'm lucky?  I figure if I'm ever asked, I'll just tell
'em the truth--the power supply is in my checked bags.


Tim Totten, n4gn at n4gn.com

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