[CQ-Contest] Xcvrs as carry-ons

Chris Pedder g3vbl at netcomuk.co.uk
Thu Aug 24 11:13:36 EDT 2000

At 16:28 23/08/2000 -0700, you wrote:

>Fellow Travelers:
>What are the problems at the airport security checks
>with Xcvrs as carry-ons? Have you been asked to power
>on the radio? Without a Pwr Supply, this may be a
>Tnx in advance,
>de KN5H

In Europe, perhaps I should say the United Kingdom, this is increasingly 
seen as a safety issue. Airlines are increasingly applying their 
regulations governing what can be permitted as a 'carry-on'. Personally I 
applaud this since safety must come first, second and third.

Taking the lead from the Collins CC series I use Samsonite cases 
individually fitted for the various radios that I may wish to carry. Foam, 
about one inch thick, is cut to shape and then fixed to the two 'halves' of 
the case. With modern switch mode power supplies it is easy to get (say) a 
TS850, psu, paddle, Heil Headset etc. into the next to largest (22"?) case.

I invariably declare my radios at check-in and am often sent for separate 
x-ray. Oddly enough the thing that causes most concern is not the radio but 
the roll of 16swg hard drawn copper that I carry.

Touch (knock) wood my radios have survived intact even when, on one 
occasion having almost missed my connection at Miami, I got to my seat only 
to see my radio case being dropped from quite a height onto the tarmac by 
one of the baggage handlers.

Best wishes,


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