[CQ-Contest] Signal strengths in ARRL CW DX

Patrick Barkey PBARKEY at gw.bsu.edu
Tue Feb 22 09:40:28 EST 2000

Here are a few observations from K3LR 20 meters:

G0IVZ and G4BUO were loud and pure for hours when the
rest of EU was weak and watery.  Especially during the 
00-04z period.  Likewise GI0KOW was s8 near the end
of the contest when the rest of Europe (except Scandanavia)
had faded out.

Absence of the big French stations (because of the December
storm?) was apparent.

RZ9UA came in for almost 20 out of 24 hours.

KC1XX was kinda loud too, :-)

   - Pat

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