[CQ-Contest] SO2R NOT a new category

Robert Shohet kq2m at mags.net
Sat Jun 3 01:49:24 EDT 2000

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Hi guys,

With all due respect to W2GD and others, I belive that SO2R should NOT =
be established as a new category.  Many of my sentiments have already =
been expressed by others during this discussion and as K6LL mused, =
regardless of what is discussed here, nothing will change.

Why bother making a post then?  I don't think that everyone out there =
really understands the "issue" and that more is being made of this than =
is really necessary.

Let's address the financial aspects first:

1) You do not need to be wealthy or commit a large portion of your =
yearly annual income to build and maintain a competitive station.  =
Although some hams can and do afford to use their checkbook to buy =
everything new and shiny and big, it is not necessary to do so.  For =
years I made the national top ten box in every major DX contest with =
low, non-rotatable wire antennas and all radios, amps and almost all =
other peripheral equipment purchased second or third hand.   The only =
items that I had bought new were two keyers (more than fifteen years =
old), a Bencher Paddle, new RG8X Coax (that's right RG8X!) and some WX0B =
stackmatches and a Comtek 4sq. box.  Oh, yes, all band switching was =
done manually (and still is!) with six 2-pos. and two 6-position MFJ =
switches for Radio A/Radio B.

I would not have made the top-ten had I lived in Illinois, but that's =
not the point, I was VERY competitive against multi-stacked monobanders, =
no-tune amps and the best radios money could buy also with stations that =
had multiple towers and electronic switching technology.  I mght add =
that many of these stations were operated (and still are) by some of the =
best contesters in the US (if not the world).

I probably saved about $20,000 by bargaining and buying everything =
second hand/third hand.

With the money that I saved I was able to build the (incomplete) station =
I have now WITH two towers, lots of monbanders and other things with =
about $10,000 left over.

With regard to the two radios, I would have bought a "backup" radio and =
amp anyway to have as a spare for the inevitable equipment failures that =
take place during the contest operations.  All that I needed to do to =
become a SO2R station was to hook up the extra radio and amp and buy six =
2-pos and 2  six-position switches from MFJ (cost about $200).

If anyway operates seriously as SO1R WITHOUT a backup radio or amp they =
are taking an awful big chance and inviting a lot of frustration when =
their equipment fails.

So my additional cost to become SO2R vs. SO1R was about $200 plus a few =
patchcords, cables, PL259's etc.  I did not put up any additional =
antennas to compete.

So lets dispense with financial issues as an excuse.  If I can do it for =
a few extra hundred dollars so can anyone else!=20

To those hams that genuinely can not afford a backup radio and amp they =
can not seriously compete anyway as SO1R because when their equipment =
fails their will be no backup to switch to.  This holds true with =
computers, keyers, DVK's and everything else.  If you want to be a =
serious competitior you need to have two of everything.  Yes, if you =
want to be SO2R you could have three of everything but that is much less =

2) SO2R has an unfair advantage?  First of all you can not transmit on =
the 2nd radio without cheating and most competitors are basically honest =
guys in this regard.  Second, unlike packet where I would be relying on =
OTHERS to do the "operating" for me, as SO2R I am STILL performing ALL =
operating functions myself.  Do I gain an advantage by being able to =
listen on the 2nd radio, SURE!  but since I can't transmit at the same =
time I have timing issues that can be very complex and confusing to me =
ESPECIALLY when I get tired!  As others have noted when they tried to =
operate the 2nd radio they got MORE tired and confused and this hurt =
their score compared to what they might have done as SO1R.  This happens =
to me every contest.  Most guys can not imagine the additional physical, =
mental and emotional energy needed to concentrate and drive themselves =
as SO2R for an entire contest.  It is almost inhuman!

It is a lot like running.  There are those who run seriously for time =
and then there are those who run SERIOUSLY!  You can not even begin to =
compare the energy needed, the pain felt etc. for the difference between =
the two.  Why is it we admire the runner or athlete who drives themself =
to near exhaustion (or death) in their single minded pursuit of =
performance excellence but some of us want to artificially limit the =
same pursuit by those more dedicated contesters?  I don't understand =

As far as keeping a run freq. busy at the same time you S & P on =
another, try doing this for a whole contest and discover what an energy =
drain this is especially when others are "lurking" on your freq. with =
another vfo just waiting for you to not transmit for 5 seconds just so =
they can call cq there to "break your chops".  I am NOT talking about =
the abusive tactics of a well-known NH multi-multi where some operators =
believe they can take a 10 minute hiatus and come back to the same freq. =
because it is "theirs" - likewise with some SO stations.  I am simply =
talking about the 5 seconds it takes to listen to someone's report and =
acknowledge it and then call cq.

3)  It may interest some of you to know that I probably only use the 2nd =
radio with an efficiency of only between 5 - 10% yet it often bumps my =
score  about 20%.

The reason for such low operating efficiency is simple, I simply am too =
busy with a very active 10 month old daughter Melissa and several =
consulting businesses to even consider turning on a radio between =
contests.  So each contest I spend the first three or four hours getting =
reacquainted with the radio, the amp, switching, etc.  This is a FOOLISH =
strategy on my part since I am wasting valuable time, but then again, =
contesting (as much as I love it) is not as important  as my other =
responsibilities.  Therefore I don't even bother to look at the second =
radio for real until at least 5-6 hours into the contest and not until =
Sunday can I really even integrate it well into my operating.

Had I the time and desire to operate the radio in between the contest =
and practice what others like W4AN, N2NT and others are much better at =
that I am, I might acheive a 30 - 40% efficiency and a much greater =
score.  Why should I want to limit their legal and skilled operations?  =
If they are more dedicated at operating and raising their SO2R skill =
than me, they deserve to benefit from it!

Physical conditioning would help here as well as I don't have the time =
to play sports anymore.  When I was younger and more active in sports I =
had much better endurance (I am still a relatively young 39) and it was =
easier to focus on both radios.

So I am barely scratching the surface of what it possible to do with a =
second radio, and if that is true (it is) then I have a whole lot of =
improvement to look forward to!

What is the point of all this?  Very simple...  If you can afford to =
build a competitive station you can easily become SO2R for only a few =
hundred additional dollars.  If you didn't have the money to put up good =
antennas in the first place, then you MUST develop your skill to =
world-class level to overcome the handicaps to compete in ANY category.  =
This skill-development requires lots of PASSION, lots of TIME, lots of =
ENERGY and lots of STUDY of propagation, contest logs, lots of PHYSICAL =
CONDITIONING and a well-thought out and well planned and constructed =
station design.

I have just described the "secret to success" for anything in life and =
those of you who are already successful at something already know this =
(and can add a lot more!).

SO IMHO a SO2R category is NOT necessary for all the reasons described =
above.  ANYONE who has the desire, committment, intelligence and =
experience to want to REALLY excel at contesting can make their =
geographically appropriate top-ten box as a well-honed SO1R station.

If you doubt this, then talk with W7WA, K3ZO, K6LL and others and ask =
them how they can do it and did it year after year after year!
73 and great contesting!

Bob KQ2M

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Hi guys,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>With all due respect to W2GD and others, I =
belive that=20
SO2R should NOT be established as a new category.&nbsp; Many of my =
have already been expressed by others during this discussion and as K6LL =
regardless of what is discussed here, nothing will change.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Why bother&nbsp;making a post then?&nbsp;&nbsp;I =
think that everyone out there really understands the "issue" and that =
more is=20
being made of this than is really necessary.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Let's address the financial aspects =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>1) You do not need to be wealthy or commit a =
large portion=20
of your yearly annual income to build and maintain a competitive =
Although some hams can and do afford to use their checkbook to buy =
new and shiny and big, it is not necessary to do so.&nbsp; For years I =
made the=20
national top ten box in every major DX&nbsp;contest with low, =
non-rotatable wire=20
antennas and all radios, amps and almost all other peripheral=20
equipment&nbsp;purchased second&nbsp;or third hand.&nbsp;&nbsp; The only =
that I had bought new were&nbsp;two keyers (more than fifteen years =
old), a=20
Bencher Paddle, new RG8X Coax (that's right RG8X!) and some WX0B =
and a Comtek 4sq. box.&nbsp; Oh, yes, all band switching was done =
manually (and=20
still is!) with six 2-pos. and two 6-position MFJ switches for Radio =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>I would not have made the top-ten had I lived in =
but that's not the point, I was VERY competitive against multi-stacked=20
monobanders, no-tune amps and the best radios money could buy also with =
that had multiple towers and electronic switching technology.&nbsp; I =
mght add=20
that many of these stations were operated (and still are) by some of the =
contesters in the US (if not the world).</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>I probably saved about $20,000 by bargaining and =
everything second hand/third hand.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>With the money that I saved I was able to build =
(incomplete) station I have now WITH two towers, lots of monbanders and =
things with about $10,000 left over.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>With regard to the two radios, I would have =
bought a=20
"backup" radio and amp anyway to have as a spare for the inevitable =
failures that take place during the contest operations.&nbsp; All that I =
to do to become a SO2R station was to hook up the extra radio and amp =
and buy=20
six 2-pos and 2&nbsp; six-position switches from MFJ (cost about=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>If anyway operates seriously as SO1R WITHOUT a =
radio or amp they are taking an awful big chance and inviting a lot of=20
frustration when their equipment fails.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>So my additional cost to become SO2R vs. SO1R =
was about=20
$200 plus a few patchcords, cables, PL259's etc.&nbsp; I did not put up =
additional antennas to compete.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>So lets dispense with financial issues as an =
If I can do it for a few extra hundred dollars so can anyone else! =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>To those hams that genuinely can not afford a =
backup radio=20
and amp they can not seriously compete anyway as SO1R because when their =

equipment fails their will be no backup to switch to.&nbsp; This holds =
true with=20
computers, keyers, DVK's and everything else.&nbsp; If you want to be a =
competitior you need to have two of everything.&nbsp; Yes, if you want =
to be=20
SO2R you could have three of everything but that is much less=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>2) SO2R has an unfair advantage?&nbsp; First of =
all you=20
can not transmit on the 2nd radio without cheating and most competitors =
basically honest guys in this regard.&nbsp; Second, unlike packet where =
I would=20
be relying on OTHERS to do the "operating" for me, as SO2R I am STILL =
ALL operating functions myself.&nbsp; Do I gain an advantage by being =
able to=20
listen on the 2nd radio, SURE!&nbsp; but since I can't transmit at the =
same time=20
I have timing issues that can be very complex and confusing to me =
when I get tired!&nbsp; As others have noted when they tried to operate =
the 2nd=20
radio they got MORE tired and confused and this hurt their score =
compared to=20
what they might have done as SO1R.&nbsp; This happens to me every =
Most guys can not imagine the additional physical, mental and emotional =
needed to concentrate and drive themselves as SO2R for an entire =
It is almost inhuman!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>It is a lot like running.&nbsp; There are those =
who run=20
seriously for time and then there are those who run SERIOUSLY!&nbsp; You =
can not=20
even begin to compare the energy needed, the pain felt etc. for the =
between the two.&nbsp; Why is it we admire the runner or athlete who =
themself to near exhaustion (or death) in their single minded pursuit of =

performance excellence but some of us want to artificially limit the =
pursuit by those more dedicated contesters?&nbsp; I don't understand=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>As far as keeping a run freq. busy at the same =
time you S=20
&amp; P on another, try doing this for a whole contest and discover what =
energy drain this is especially when others are "lurking" on your freq. =
another vfo just waiting for you to not transmit for 5 seconds just so =
they can=20
call cq there to "break your chops".&nbsp; I am NOT talking about the =
tactics of a well-known NH multi-multi where some operators believe they =
take a 10 minute hiatus and come back to the same freq. because it is =
"theirs" -=20
likewise with some SO stations.&nbsp; I am simply talking about the 5 =
seconds it=20
takes to listen to someone's report and acknowledge it and then call=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>3)&nbsp; It&nbsp;may interest some of you to =
know that I=20
probably only use the 2nd radio with an efficiency of only between =
5&nbsp;- 10%=20
yet it&nbsp;often bumps my score &nbsp;about 20%.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>The reason for such low operating efficiency is =
simple, I=20
simply am too busy with a&nbsp;very active 10 month old daughter Melissa =
several consulting businesses to even consider turning on a radio =
contests.&nbsp; So each contest I spend the first three or four hours =
reacquainted with the radio, the amp, switching, etc.&nbsp; This is a =
strategy on my part since I am wasting valuable time, but then again, =
(as much as I love it) is not as important </FONT>&nbsp;<FONT =
face=3DArial>as my=20
other responsibilities.&nbsp; Therefore I don't even bother to look at =
second radio for real until at least 5-6 hours into the contest and not =
Sunday can I really even integrate it well into my =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D3>Had I the time and desire to operate =
the radio in=20
between the contest and practice what others like W4AN, N2NT and others =
are much=20
better at that&nbsp;I am, I might acheive a 30 - 40% efficiency and a =
greater score.&nbsp; Why should I want to limit their legal and skilled=20
operations?&nbsp; If they are more dedicated at operating and raising =
their SO2R=20
skill than me, they deserve to benefit from it!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Physical conditioning would help here as well as =
I don't=20
have the time to play sports anymore.&nbsp; When I was younger and more =
in sports I had much better endurance (I am still a relatively young 39) =
and it=20
was easier to focus on both radios.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>So I am barely scratching the surface of what it =
to do with a second radio, and if that is true (it is) then I have a =
whole lot=20
of improvement to look forward to!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>What is the point of all this?&nbsp; Very =
If you can afford to build a competitive station you can easily become =
SO2R for=20
only a few hundred additional dollars.&nbsp; If you didn't have the =
money to put=20
up good antennas in the first place, then you MUST develop your skill to =

world-class level to overcome the handicaps to compete in ANY =
This skill-development requires lots of PASSION, lots of TIME, lots of =
and lots of STUDY of propagation, contest logs, lots of PHYSICAL =
and a well-thought out and well planned and constructed station=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>I have just described the "secret to success" =
for anything=20
in life and those of you who are already successful at something already =
this (and can add a lot more!).</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>SO IMHO a SO2R category is NOT necessary for all =
reasons described above.&nbsp; ANYONE who has the desire, committment,=20
intelligence and experience to want to REALLY excel at contesting can =
make their=20
geographically appropriate top-ten box as a well-honed SO1R=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>If you doubt this, then talk with W7WA, K3ZO, =
K6LL and=20
others and ask them how they can do it and did it year after year after=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>&nbsp;</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>73 and great contesting!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D3>Bob KQ2M</FONT></DIV>


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