[CQ-Contest] Shorten CW SS

k8cc k8cc at mediaone.net
Tue Nov 7 16:29:52 EST 2000

At 09:05 PM 11/6/00 -0700, Dave Hachadorian wrote:
>Maybe the time has come to shorten the cw ss, like maybe
>1700Z Saturday to 1700Z Sunday, operating 20 out of 24 hours.

We were multi-operator here at K8CC in CW SS.  With interlocked rigs so 
that ONLY one can transmit at a time, our capability in theory is no better 
than a well-equipped SO2R station.  We just have multiple ops to provide 
multiple intelligence and to battle the fatigue.  Well, that's the theory 

We had 1228 QSOs, certainly not as high as the top single-ops, but close 
enough that a comparison is somewhat valid.  We operated approximately 12 
hours, took four hours off, then operated the last twelve with half hour 
breaks interspersed.

We made 764 QSOs in our first twelve hour session, for a rate of 
63.9/hour.  We made 464 after the sleep break, for a rate of 
36.8/hour.  While this is a significant drop (and it sure SEEMED like a lot 
more to the ops!), it hardly seems like justification for reducing the 
contest period.  In fact, our rates (while lower than Saturday) were pretty 
consistent even up to the end.

I also have to agree with K0HB that the rules should not necessarily be 
designed to cater to the top KW stations.  A lot of middle and small guns 
are still happily cranking out QSOs the second day.  Even among serious, 
full-tilt participants, the "Q" and "A" power guys are still finding QSOs 
to work.  This was noticed by one of our ops, Ken-W8MJ, who has a very good 
station of his own and seriously competes in the 100W category, finishing 
well every year.  He commented how much harder it seemed to find stations 
to work the second day compared to his 100W efforts.

I completely reject the notion that "SS is an Extra class contest".  For 
many years, I *NEVER* went down into the Extra bands thinking that it would 
"limit my potential audience" by excluding Advanceds and Generals.  I've 
since learned better, and have found good rate down below 025 many 
times.  However, my first choice is to stay above 025, just in case.

Finally, although I like quick CW as much as anyone, to have success in SS 
on Sunday you have to tailor your operating style to attract, or at the 
very minimum not repel, the casual participant.  Fast CW can be an 
impediment to this.  I sit and chuckle every time I hear some newbie 1x2 
send 40 WPM to a 25 WPM 2x3.  He or she thinks they're acting like a big 
gun, but they're not.  The REALLY good ops know how to get their point across.



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