[CQ-Contest] lock-outs

Dmitri Bagno RW3FO bagno at mai.ru
Mon Nov 20 18:26:18 EST 2000

On Mon, 6 Nov 2000, Rick Dougherty <NQ4I at compuserve.com> wrote:
| willing to share their lockout methods with the contesting
| community...in that matter anyone else who may have a working
| design...

Presently, the RK3AWL (RL3A) contest team have two run sites,
main and secondary; sites works through the same PA and ANT.
When receive, both TCVR ANT connectors are connected in
parallel, when one site send, the other is grounded.
External coax relays with control cirquit are used for this.
Control cirquit is forming necessery time delays to prevent RX
inputs' damage.

Other schematics was designed (but did not tested still) for
three operators/TCVRs sharing the same PA. When receive, two
"main" sites listen "main" antenna through 3dB-splitter, while
"aux" site listen "receive-only" antenna. Any of three sites
transmit through the common PA and "main" antenna; in this
period of time the rest two sites are able to receive through
the splitter and "receive-only" antenna.

In the future it is planned to publish both the cirquits on
the RK3AWL' website.

Lock-out device is required part for M/S stations in Russia
(and Ukraine, as far as I know) according to these countries'
general contesting rules, "voice lock-out" is not sufficient.
The cases of two signals' emission on the same band leads
autmatically, at least, to DQing. The general public oppinion
among contesters is very negative to the cases of this kind
of rules' violation. Ordinary, in UA & UR national championships
a special judge station is assigned, equipped with some RXs and
tape recorders to monitor the state of bands.

--Dmitri (RW3FO)
bagno at mai.ru

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