[CQ-Contest] M/S CQing

Bruce Horn bhorn at hornucopia.com
Tue Oct 31 21:25:36 EST 2000

One of the questions that comes to mind about the issue of a M/S station 
CQing during CQWW and subsequently logging zero-point QSOs with 
non-multiplier stations is how the log checking process separates these 
zero-point QSOs from QSOs that count for logs submitted in the Cabrillo 
format. Since the format does not include info regarding the points 
assigned to each QSO (they're generated by the log checking software), can 
the log checking software distinguish between the run and multiplier 
stations by the transmitter code and can it then separate multipliers from 

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at hornucopia.com)

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