[CQ-Contest] web cam solicitation

Henry Heidtmann n4vhk at summitschool.com
Tue Oct 3 15:34:56 EDT 2000

Mike et al--
What I meant was all this stuff is fine- just stick to contesting during
the contest. A fixed website is not the issue- webcams are great- Just
make no communication on the "internet, phones, " etc. during the
contest that would "help to improve your score."
As far as your "dxpedition" scenario, I would have a problem with
uploading during a contest if you were operating SO, which wouldnt
happen anyway... Take the following example-

Your <call> dxpedition posts on its website DURING CQWW-

"We currently have stations on the following bands-
1.835, 3.775, 7.067, 14.195, 21.290 and 28.600 
Please work us!-
Currently, we need the following zones on 20-

Wow- what a can of worms...

All in all, I think we're on the same side of the fence.
Henry Heidtmann, N4VHK
Trustee, W4WS
W4WS Contest Crew
Winston-Salem, NC


"Gilmer, Mike" wrote:
> I'm not sure which question you are answering in the affirmative...
> Are you advocating shutting down SM3CER, eHam.net, contesting.com and all
> the contest calendar and DXpedition web sites that announce contest and/or
> specific callsign activity?  Does it matter if my DXpedition uploads it's
> info to an online Calendar *before* vs. *during* a contest?

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