[CQ-Contest] Revised ARRL CW results

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Wed Oct 25 05:41:35 EDT 2000

N4ZR wrote:

  Bravo to the ARRL for fixing the results and publishing the revised
  numbers, but why on Earth were they made available only to ARRL

  After all, the software problems affected DX entrants as well...

  I've written to N1ND suggesting they fix this, but am now thinking it may
  be beyond his control, and maybe more of a groundswell is needed.

And K1KI subsequently confirmed that they are now available to all.

I guess that when things go wrong to this extent, space in QST can be
made available.  Was hoping the same would've been the case for the
'98 10m contest, but not even a mention of that in the '99 results.  If
not in print, then at least something on the ARRL web site, but not
even that.  It was a long wait just to see those '99 results, too.

Oh well.  Things do go wrong & on the positive side, the handling of
these things is getting better.

GL to Dan & the gang as we come to grips with Cabrillo.  ;^)

73, VR2BrettGraham

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