No subject

Hammond, Rob EU-Pencoed Rob.Hammond at
Thu Oct 26 16:42:05 EDT 2000

My first CQ WW effort for low power & I'm considering last minute
The problem I face is for bands below 21MHz. (I know a few may say why don't
I send in a single band effort well, I just want to get into the thick of it
to learn as much as possible). Back to the Question

I currently have a Wire now at 50ft to center , the ends are about 30ft but
they could be put up so that the whole thing is horizontal. The whole thing
radiates mainly to east & west on the lower bands so I'm probably missing
out on loads at 14Mhz & below from other directions.
I have an ATAS100 on the car & next door has a Huge garage with a metal roof
( about 30ft x 25ft ) which is above the houses since we're on a slope. 
Does anyone think it's worth the effort installing the ATAS on the Roof (
permission granted ) so I get Omni direction or is it not worth it as the
antenna is so inefficient that I won't be heard on a band that's gonna be
full of BIG signals ???

Also my sleep patterns allow for about 38-40 hours of operating if I can
stay awake anyone got any ideas how I can stay awake & when should I really
call it a night for a few hours & get some sleep ?

Thanks MW5EPA - Rob Hammond

It's my 3rd ever HF contest !!!!!!

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