[CQ-Contest] Re: penalty

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sat Sep 9 12:17:35 EDT 2000

In a message dated 9/9/00 9:38:35 AM Eastern Daylight Time, i4jmy at iol.it 

> In a contest perspective the goal is to compare skillnesses of operators and
>  possibly to determine the best ones,  for geographical zone or world,  
>  the mass of the entrants.

For the guys or groups at the top, this is true.

For many others, the goal is to chase some dx, get some cards for awards, 

If the scoring criteria for the big gun guys means that any questionable qsos 
must be avoided, even if 74.9% of them would have been good, then many in 
Group 2 will not get their qsos and qsls, and their contest goals will not be 

For a top gun to make 10,000 qsos requires lots of people from group 2.  We 
ought not set rules with likely unintended consquences that diminish the 
experience for these people, and thereby reduce their interest in getting on 
the air.

Although most of this discussion has centered on CW contests, with the 
question of one missing dot in W7WHY's call, the negative effect is probably 
greater in SSB contests, where there is a wider group of casual operators.  
We CW guys have become a somewhat static group of regulars.

Jim   K8MR

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