[CQ-Contest] Post contest review, Opinions?

Steve Lufcy km0l at tfs.net
Sun Sep 10 12:46:40 EDT 2000

Bruce es all-
I believe it is the intent of the rules to submit the most accurate log possible. That means to correct obvious errors and especially typos before submission.
As a matter of oinion, I believe it is actually rude to the sponsors and the other contestants not to clean up the log before submitting it.
In the case of typos and obvious errors, you made the contact, you know who you worked, and you should get credit for it- as should the other person in the Q. By not correcting the error, you lose the Q (along with possible penalties), the other person stands to lose it (when he did nothing wrong), and there is more work and decisions for the log-checkers. All that when you actually made the contact and know who you worked. 
Submit it correctly- not as your five thumbs per hand logged it.
73 de K0OU, Steve in KC

From: 	Bruce Lifter[SMTP:wt4i at brevard.net]
Sent: 	Sunday, September 10, 2000 9:17 AM
To: 	cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: 	[CQ-Contest] Post contest review, Opinions?

This reflector seems to imply that any post contest log review
is cheating. Is this true? What is the general opinion? What is
deemed acceptable and where is it considered cheating?

1. If by scanning the log I find WT4IWT4I or WT4I599. Obviously WT4I is the
   callsign and was copied correctly. If I correct the log prior to
   would you consider that to be cheating?

2. What if it is a NAQP style contest and I find 3 entries as follows:

   14085 1800 WT4I   BRUCE  FL
   21084 1901 WT4IW  BRUCE  FL
    7080 2345 WT4I   BRUCE  FL

   The second callsign is obviously wrong. Was it copied wrong? Was it
   just a typo. If I correct the log prior to submission, would you
   consider that to be cheating? If it is cheating, should I leave it
   alone or exclude the contact from the log?

73, Bruce WT4I

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