[CQ-Contest] ...the bottom line is VERY obvious

k8cc k8cc at mediaone.net
Wed Sep 13 21:21:03 EDT 2000

K4OJ's note driving home the point about COPYING WHAT WAS SENT was right 
on.  However, in these days of logging software, with the "literalness" 
that comes with using a computer, applying Jim's point requires something 
from the other end:


For example, a VE9 sending "NB" in SS is NOT SENDING THE CORRECT 
STUFF.  His exchange is a section, not his province.  If a KP4 station 
sends me 59908 in the IARU HF Championship, he's NOT SENDING THE CORRECT STUFF.

So what are you going to do?  If he's sending the wrong stuff, WHAT ARE YOU 
GONNA LOG?  If you log the VE9 in NB you really should lose the QSO because 
the rules clearly state that you're to copy a SECTION not a PROVINCE.  If 
you get an erroneous zone (geez...that sounds interesting), the logchecker 
will most likely disallow your QSO unless he has a log that explicitly says 
otherwise.  Also, many logging programs won't allow you to log invalid data.

My personal technique is to COPY WHAT WAS SENT, but then apply my 
contester's smarts to it - that is, I CORRECT IT IF THE ERROR IS 
OBVIOUS.  I know some people will scream about this, but too bad.  Its the 
most likely way I'm going to get credit for a valid QSO, and its the best 
for everyone involved.  If for some reason I'm wrong and I lose the QSO, 
then I can live with that.

There are some parts of exchanges where no question, you must COPY WHAT WAS 
SENT.  Nicknames in Sprint or NAQP, received serial numbers, etc.  But 
sometimes you gotta use your head.  I'm convinced that one difference 
between a good contester and a mediocre one is that he or she can make good 
QSOs out of jumbled data.



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