[CQ-Contest] Reward vs. Punishment

Gilmer, Mike mgilmer at gnlp.com
Thu Sep 21 09:31:21 EDT 2000

> Or that sometimes it's far simpler to REWARD correct behavior, than
> PUNISH incorrect behavior? This is because the definition of correct  is
> simple, where the definitions of incorrect and the threshold of
> assessing penalties are complex.
Personally, I would never see any difference between having a point deducted
vs. being denied a extra point - a point is a point - but that's me.

>  BOTH parties to a QSO are awarded a completion point(s) ONLY when the
> scoring program determines from the submitted logs that calls, "sent"
> exchanges and logged exchanges are identical BOTH ways.
Please realize this effectively punishes those who work people that don't
send in logs.
This method also makes worthless past scoring records.

	Completion points are not claimed by the log submitter. One's score
	go up, not down, because of the contest scoring program awarding
	completion points.

IMO, contesters will simply estimate their bonus points ahead of time.  In
the old days of paper logs, contesters would estimate the average
points-per-QSO after CQWW.  Now we'll hear on 3830, "Uh, using 37.8% bonus
points-per-Q, we get <fill-in-the-blank> QSO-points so ..."

This is not to say there is no merit to this oft-discussed idea.  I wanted
to point out the "downside". 

It's easier for many to swallow the rewarding of those who are proven
"deserving" rather than perhaps the punishing of some who may not really be
"guilty".  But this is really a somewhat psychological "fix", not a
technical one - I'm a technical guy and prefer technical solutions.


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