[CQ-Contest] CC & R Category

Marty N5NW at midsouth.rr.com
Tue Sep 26 15:07:17 EDT 2000

One idea that surfaces consistently is that we compete against ourselves.
The only other sport I can think of where that holds true is golf.  Perhaps
bowling.  But in golf we have two concepts that are absent from radio -- the
concept of "average" (par) and the concept of "handicap".  Are either of
these concepts transportable to radio?

Admittedly, it might be a challenge.  But I'd certainly like to know as I
approach and surpass par.  Also, after one surpasses par, there is no
additional credit given in a handicap system.  Certain contests in golf are
open, and no handicaps are used.  Handicaps (as I think about them) would
provide an artificial leveling of the playing field for ops below a certain
level (perhaps "tribander with wire and amp" is the standard for par).  Sort
of like power multipliers during field day.  But above that point, no
assistance is offered.  Run with the big boys.

What this would do, if able to be fairly developed, would highlight those
operators who consistently outperform their equipment.  Which would, in my
view, raise the bar.

Any thoughts?

Marty, N5NW
Lakeland (Memphis), Tennessee                       http://marty.w.tripod.com/
N5NW at midsouth.rr.com

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