[CQ-Contest] World Contest Station Database -- new and improved

Tim Makins, EI8IC ei8ic at eircom.net
Tue Dec 11 07:01:21 EST 2001

Well, Pete's already got it searching for rigs and prefixes, so I guess he
is cleverer than you give him credit for, Mike !!

Searching for a phrase within a string is a database function that has been
around for quite a while, and is used by most of the major search-engines.
If you want to search a 'Tower' field for height, then a phrase that
includes one of the following (feet, metres, ',m) would seem to do the

Tim, EI8IC
The European HF Contesting Website
Recent winner of the 'DX Zone' Editors choice Award.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Gilmer - N2MG" <n2mg at contesting.com>
> Sure, but this was one of my points...creating the lists of possible
answers in an attempt to standardize the entry is a rather involved task.
For CT's bug report page, the problem is somewhat limited as, for example,
the radios in the list seem to be only the supported ones.  Contesters use
more variety than that.  But compared to antennas, radios are easy.  For
towers and antennas, you'd almost need a "wizard" (number and height of
towers; number, type, height, rotatability of antennas).
> Certainly someone could create this, but to what end?
> -Mike N2MG

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