[CQ-Contest] Post Contest Log Scrubbing

Kelly Taylor ve4xt at shaw.ca
Wed Dec 12 18:22:45 EST 2001

The only question that matters here is this: do the rules compel us to
complete our QSOs DURING the contest period?

If the answer to that is yes, than any attempt to exchange contest
information outside the contest period for the purpose of sanitizing the log
violates the rules. Pure and simple

Given that the rules plainly state the operating periods and provide
consequences for straying outside those bounds, I can't see how my first
question can be answered by anything other than an unqualified 'yes.'

How many other QSOs has this station tried to complete outside the contest
period? After all, this is the only one we've HEARD about. There could be
dozens more.

I think an investigation by the contest adjudicators with an eye toward DQ
is in order.

73, ve4xt
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob, N5RP" <N5RP at pdq.net>
To: <Joseph.Agius at sybase.com>; "Bill Fisher W4AN" <w4an at contesting.com>
Cc: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Post Contest Log Scrubbing

> At 07:22 12/12/2001 -0500, Joseph.Agius at sybase.com wrote:
> >I don't think that this is appropriate.  The idea of the contest (one
> >of which is to practice for emergencies, when other communications are
> >down) is to be accurate at the given time of the contact.
> ========================>
> I don't see the problem here.
> I mean, let's say
> aa)
> The logged QSO callsign was entered using a partial callsign database
> click, or
> bb)
> Maybe the logged callsign was dragged from an Internet post.
> What the post-contest confirmation request would then be focused towards
> cc)
> Whether or not the Internet post was correct, or
> bb)
> Whether or not the software's partial check callsign database was correct.
> The request for a post contest QSO confirmation would then
> dd)
> have very little to do with the operating ability of the man who sat at
> radio at the QSO time in question, but rather,
> ee)
> more to do with checking the robotics of the station management.
> Bob Perring
> ...........................................
> Amateur Radio Station  N5RP
> mailto:N5RP at pdq.net
> N5RP Station Page: http://freeweb.pdq.net/perring/station.html
> --
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