[CQ-Contest] 2001 Winter CW Sprint - Rumors #2-11
Michael Dinkelman
mwdink at eskimo.com
Sun Feb 11 21:26:45 EST 2001
2001 Winter CW Sprint - Rumors #2-11
Submit logs by: March 13, 2001
E-mail logs to: cwsprint at ncjweb.com
Mail logs to: Boring Amateur Radio Club
15125 Bartell Road
Boring, OR 97009
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
3830 Archives - http://www.contesting.com/
Submisssion info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.qsl.net/n4zr
Call Pwr Q's NA 80: 40: 20: 2R Score Club
N6TR HP 397 49 105 125 167 Y 19,453 AUSTIN POWERS
N2NT HP 365 49 89 148 128 Y 17,885 FRC
N6TV HP 365 47 90 134 141 Y 17,155 NCCC #1
K6LL HP 341 49 54 123 164 Y 16,709 SCCC #1
W4PA @K4JNY HP 345 48 85 143 117 Y 16,560 TCG + SECC
K9XD (K9PG) HP 331 50 79 145 107 Y 16,500 SMC #1
N2RM (N2NC) HP 348 47 91 111 146 16,356 FRC DOMESTIC
NT1N HP 319 51 62 120 137 16,269 YCCC
K3LR @W5TM HP 345 47 104 123 118 16,215 NORTH COAST CONTESTERS
N6ZZ HP 337 47 76 128 133 Y 16,176 SCCC #1
N4AF HP 350 46 98 124 128 16,100 PVRC
W2UP HP 321 50 86 115 120 16,050
K6LA HP 324 49 56 120 148 Y 15,876 SCCC#1
AA3B HP 324 49 85 130 109 Y 15,876 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
K9NW @K9UWA HP 323 48 90 137 96 15,504 SMC #1
KA9FOX HP 333 46 106 123 104 15,318 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST
W2GD @K2TW HP 321 47 87 131 103 15,087 FRC
WB0O HP 314 47 83 100 131 14,758 SMC #1
N6RO HP 321 45 82 100 139 Y 14,445 NCCC #1
KU8E HP 310 46 91 124 95 14,260 MAD RIVER RC
AE6Y HP 297 48 48 114 135 14,256 NCCC #1
N6MJ LP 316 45 46 136 134 Y 14,220 SCCC#2
N0AX LP 296 48 39 109 148 Y 14,208 AUSTIN POWERS
WE9V (KB3AFT) HP 296 48 Y 14,208 SMC #1
K2UA HP 308 46 100 116 92 14,168 YCCC
K7SV LP 295 48 84 108 109 14,160 POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO CLUB
K5NZ HP 314 45 81 109 124 14,130 AUSTIN POWERS
K7NV HP 285 49 51 118 116 13,965 NCCC#1
K6RO (KR6X) HP 286 48 70 80 136 13,728 SCCC
W6EU HP 289 47 55 114 120 13,583 NCCC #1
K5KA HP 289 47 91 99 99 13,583
KA9FOX @W9RPM HP 300 45 94 120 86 13,500 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST
W7UQ (KL9A) LP 276 48 44 88 144 13,248 SMC #3
K8DX HP 279 46 87 89 103 Y 12,834 NORTH COAST CONTESTERS
K0OU HP 271 46 63 129 79 Y 12,466 SOCIETY MIDWEST
N5TJ LP 259 48 23 113 123 12,432
NA0N LP 288 43 88 104 96 12,384 MINNESOTA WIRELESS
W1VE HP 257 45 85 79 93 11,565 YCCC
KI7Y LP 246 46 36 82 128 11,316
N7LOX LP 257 44 37 92 128 11,308
W7ZRC LP 259 43 46 119 94 Y 11,137 SW ID CC
N5DO HP 252 43 49 95 108 11,088
W4NZ HP 248 44 75 98 75 10,912 TENNESSEE CONTEST GROUP
K8ND HP 247 44 72 108 67 10,868 MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB
VE5SF LP 237 44 43 101 93 10,428
N7WA LP 226 43 45 87 94 10,170
K4FXN LP 239 41 66 108 65 9,799
W6MVW HP 221 43 0 106 115 9,503 SCCC #2
N0XB HP 211 44 46 95 70 9,284 MN WIRELESS ASSN
W0ETT LP 211 43 14 102 95 9,073 GRAND MESA CONTESTERS
W5ASP HP 221 41 55 66 100 9,061 TEXAS DX SOCIETY
KG5U QRP 212 42 30 74 108 8,904 TDXS
K4MA HP 191 44 42 85 64 8,404 PVRC
K4QPL LP 197 41 42 80 75 8,274 PVRC (POTOMAC VALLEY
K9GY LP 187 43 121 66 8,041 SMC #2
K1PQS HP 180 39 64 46 70 7,020
N6ED HP 159 41 24 64 71 6,519 SCCC #2
N4YDU HP 155 40 40 52 63 6,200 PVRC
K3WW HP 106 37 54 46 6 Y 3,990 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB
AE9B LP 111 35 21 48 42 3,885 SOCIETY OF MIDWEST
K6CTA HP 88 38 88 3,344 NCCC #2
NO5W LP 81 34 1 80 2,754
AC0W LP 82 31 0 54 29 2,573 MINNESOTA WIRELESS
K4RO HP 37 22 37 814 TCG
WA7BNM LP 37 22 37 814
CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com
>From Leigh S. Jones" <kr6x at kr6x.com Sun Feb 11 21:39:39 2001
From: Leigh S. Jones" <kr6x at kr6x.com (Leigh S. Jones)
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 13:39:39 -0800
Subject: [CQ-Contest] call sign in contests
References: <F168v60gxapzhad2VqK00000ea5 at hotmail.com>
Message-ID: <012d01c09473$236bc870$ede3c23f at kr6x.org>
Don't consider upgrading to extra class. Just do it.
>... I am a phone op not a cw op.
I'm sorry. To some, the code seems an antiquated, slow, almost utterly
useless exercise in futility. To others, it's beautiful music. To me, both
modes are beautiful music. However, one can make beautiful music with one's
voice alone, but a great deal of the finest music would be very empty indeed
if it were reduced to the human voice unsupported by musical instruments.
Try to imagine all of your favorite music -- from rock and roll to
classical -- being performed vocally without the support of musical
My own life would seem as empty without the code. Certainly the code
requires time and effort to learn, and just as certainly the code does not
become fine music if the required time and effort has not been invested. It
is the same as learning to play a musical instrument to add to the music of
one's voice. At first, the time and effort may seem unrewarding and the
results may be disappointing. But, with sufficient investment of time and
effort learning, the music becomes its own reward and the task of learning
gives way to the effortless pleasure of the performance.
I enjoy the virtuoso vocal performance, with or without instrumental
back-up. But after 48 hours in a chair wearing headsets a CW contest still
sounds like a symphony to me, while some phone contests will seem to
degenerate into angry riots before the end due to my personal level of
operator fatigue. It's a much more strenuous physical effort to yell into a
microphone very fast than it is to diddle a paddle. And copying CW through
interference is relatively easy and less anger inducing by comparison to
> Mine is a 2X3 call.
I'm sorry. A Technician class or higher is customarily privileged to a 1X3
license or similar. Your callsign is not merely long, it is unattractive
and forgettable. It's an abominable callsign to send in code, and the
phonetics are nearly as bad. If you'd like to do contesting, you owe it to
yourself to everything possible to change it. Otherwise, your scores will
be forever disappointing. Don't count on getting a 1X2 right away -- they
will probably be all gone. For phone contests, you deserve to treat
yourself to a memorable callsign with poetry in phonetics. Choose a good
> Is it possible to have a second shorter call (1x2) and still keep my 2x3
> call also?
Why? Is it possible to be first beautiful and then ugly in rapid
succession? Of course! Many women have made a career of this.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick Bullon" <kc5ajx at hotmail.com>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 11:07 AM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] call sign in contests
> Hello all
> I am considering upgrading to extra class just for the extra frequency
> privileges. I have been told that upgrading would give me a shorter call
> thus it would be easier in contests.
> I have found that the extra calls that are being issued now are 2X2 calls.
> Mine is a 2X3 call. I can't see how a call being 1 letter shorter would be
> an advantage in a contest. Am I wrong in this thinking? BTW I am a phone
> not a cw op.
> I remember being told a while back that it was possible to get another
> just for contests but I was never told how to do this is this possible and
> if so how.
> I like my present call but I have been told that it is to long for
> and that a shorter call would be better. I know that I could go the vanity
> route but I don't like that idea.
> So my questions are
> Is a 2x2 call better than a 2x3 call in contests or not?
> Is it possible to have a second shorter call (1x2) and still keep my 2x3
> call also?
> 73
> Rick
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