[CQ-Contest] SO2R Advice

Ivo PEZER, 5B4ADA 9a3a at spidernet.com.cy
Tue Feb 27 23:02:18 EST 2001

I am trying to finalize my SO2R station and would like some advice =
before re-doing my operating bench. Usually, I find sitting in front of =
the monitor to be the most comfortable position. Trying to put all =
"important" stuff on the same bench is not too easy. I've scaled all =
equipment and came to the attached layout. Although not perfect (the =
monitor is bit high) I hope that it will be OK. Can any of experienced =
SO2R guys comment and perhaps suggest something better. My desk is =
180x80 cm and I intend to put another piece on top and put both radios =
and amps, the monitor and small bits and pieces. Computer will go to =
another desk. Is side by side better than stacking two FT 990's? I would =
like to sit in front of run radio and use left hand for scanning on the =
second radio. I've got a cordless keyboard/mouse, so I will be flexible =
moving it around. I'm using Dunestar BPF only on 2nd radio, it seems =
that interference is acceptable. Any suggestions are welcome. Sorry for =
the bandwith.

73 Ivo 5B4ADA - C4A

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>From M. van Wijk" <pa5mw at home.nl  Tue Feb 27 21:03:46 2001
From: M. van Wijk" <pa5mw at home.nl (M. van Wijk)
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 22:03:46 +0100
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Help; need cabrillo convertor
Message-ID: <065301c0a100$c6aa5ee0$795578d4 at dbsch1.nb.nl.home.com>

Can anybody help me on a cabrillo convertor. I tried buying one but since it
requires US adress data only, I'm stuck with nothing......
pse help!

'73 Mark, PA5MW

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