[CQ-Contest] Computer interface for TS940S

Dennis Vernacchia n6ki at juno.com
Fri Jun 8 01:06:45 EDT 2001

Mike stated

"A modern approach is PIEXX's - they sell one gizmo for
US$ 89 - all of it goes inside the radio.  Some have
complained that it comes with a ribbon cable to 9-pin
D-sub connector that one needs to sneak out under the
940's top cover.  Might seem a bit inelegant, but
there's probably no better practical solution short of
tearing the radio apart."

There is a somewhat elegant solution though, seems that very few
hams using a 940, ever use the 13 pin odd connector on the back
of the 940.....why not exit thru that connector.

Also, if anyone buys the PIEXX unit and gets it to work with their
940 and CT program, INCLUDING the bandmap, please let me
know as I couldn't (per my previous mail)


Dennis Vernacchia N6KI

On 7 Jun 2001 06:03:41 -0700 Mike Gilmer - N2MG <n2mg at contesting.com>
 >Using Kenwood's design, you need two things: one for
 >inside the radio and one for outside...
 >Inside) You need an IF-10B (not A or C or D) for
 >inside the radio. It's a kit with an EPROM/board and
 >some small parts - cap/resistor maybe.
 >Outside) You need a level converter.  I think
 >Kenwood's number was IF-232.  It's a little box (about
 >the size of a Bencher paddle) that runs on 12VDC.
 >As far as I know, the stuff is no longer available
 >retail or directly from Kenwood.  However...
 >A modern approach is PIEXX's - they sell one gizmo for
 >US$ 89 - all of it goes inside the radio.  Some have
 >complained that it comes with a ribbon cable to 9-pin
 >D-sub connector that one needs to sneak out under the
 >940's top cover.  Might seem a bit inelegant, but
 >there's probably no better practical solution short of
 >tearing the radio apart.
 >73 Mike N2MG
 >"Yuri Onipko" wrote:
 > >
 > > What exactly do I need to control Kenwood TS-940S from the
 >K7LXC wrote:
 > >     I've got a 940 that I was hoping to get
 > > compatible with CT, TR, etc. I've
 > > got the Kenwood interface. Is there another unit I
 > > need and what is it?
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