[CQ-Contest] Best QSOs per Hour on SSB and CW

AA4NC at aol.com AA4NC at aol.com
Thu Jun 28 11:30:32 EDT 2001

Hi  - My name is Will and I'm a rate addict...

As it has been pointed out by N5TJ and others, winning contests is more about 
minimizing the slow times than maximizing absolute rate. We concentate on 
absolute rate because we are addicted (see above)!

I have found that really pushing for maximum rate can be a bit 
counterproductive, especially in single-op situations. It is more physically 
draining in my opinion than to get a good steady rythm at a slightly lower 
rate. I have had the good fortune to operate in lots of multi-op situations 
where you can really push hard because you know you have another good 
operator waiting in the wings. This is where we rate junkies can pour on the 

The ultimate contest winner is not always the peak rate guy, but the guy that 
is still alive at 2359z on Sunday!



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