[CQ-Contest] SS - Where's the Problem?

Rich Dailey, KA8OKH okh.npi at gte.net
Tue Nov 6 04:48:39 EST 2001

I operated 12 hours of my 24.  That's my problem,  not that of the
contest or the organizers.

Why 12 hours?  I got tired.  I got lazy.  I got bored - when I got bored,
I went off to do other things.  I should have better prepared myself *if*
I really wanted a better score.  Not the ARRL's fault.

I didn't score as well as I have in the past.  And I goofed up with my
logging program - I might end up being nothing more than a checklog.
Again, my bad,  not that of the logging software's author.

Keep SS as it is.  It will not die - there are plenty of QRP'ers (I was not
one of them this time) who will fill in the ranks.

I'll try to do better next year.  No problem.

Rich, KA8OKH

Rich Dailey, KA8OKH - Phyllis Dailey, KB4NPI

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