[CQ-Contest] Using the Array Solutions SO2R Master with FT1000MP and FT1000D

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Mon Nov 12 07:19:12 EST 2001

KD4D noted:

>This acts like the FT1000MP is actually driving the PTT line low
>(as seen by the SO2R master) for some reason.  Keying both radios
>works fine.  During CW SS, I just switched the received audio
>manually and everything else worked.
>Has anyone else seen this?  Any suggestions?

Sounds like mine.  Something happened & now I must rely on one of the rigs'
VOX to key & not route PTT from the computer through the SO2R box.
Otherwise, headphone routing was stuffed & that one rig would not TX.
Problem either in computer ports or SO2R, as any rig I connect has the
problem.  Been too busy to try & get to the bottom of it - been broken since
IARU.  Believe problem is with Radio A, just like yours.

Now that I think of it, I didn't start looking at it too closely as the 
supplied omits the control head & it's always been my luck that the bit that's
dead is always "off the map".  Or, even with the simplest of circuits, one 
so much time understanding how the undocumented bit relates with the rest, the
frustration factor gets a several dB head start.

Sod's Law rules at VR2BG.  ;^)

73, VR2BrettGraham

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