[CQ-Contest] Inspiration or ?

Kurszewski Chad-WCK005 Chad.Kurszewski at motorola.com
Wed Oct 3 13:40:44 EDT 2001

> I don't think pictures of large stations have inspired anyone to go out
> and 
> build one.
Maybe not pictures, but seeing one certainly got me
to build a more than "average" station.  I didn't
get a ham license, not knowing a thing, and say,
"Gee, I'm gonna put up a couple towers in the 100'
range as my first antenna".  No, those ideas came
from SEEING other stations.  I certainly don't think
I qualify as rich, affluent, well-to-do or whatever
label you want to use.  I had priorities, and the
station I built was within my means.

>   Other big station owners might peruse the pictures for ideas, 
> or perhaps a brave little gun might muster up his courage and call the big
> station owner and ask to guest op or try to get on a multi-op 
> team. 
So, a little gun couldn't learn anything from the station
engineering of a large station?  I disagree.  There
are tons of things that a big station does or has that
a little station could walk away with.  I started with
a multi-band vertical and a TR-3.  I learned that yagis
are good.  I learned that computer controlled radios
are good.  I learned that no-tune radios are good.  I
learned that more than one yagi per band is good.  More
than one antenna per band.  A low dipole on 40 for SS.
DVR/DVKs are good.  Memory keyers are good.
The list goes on.  Do you think I could have learned
that from a neighbor who had a cat's whisker radio and
a 40' longwire?  No, I don't think so.

Most station owners are very approachable for getting
a chair.  I believe that the NCJ Station Registry is
proof of that.

Lastly, these stations are more than happy to share
their ideas and designs.  Since the K4JA site was updated
3 days ago and my antenna switching controller was
mentioned published in it, I have recieved and replied
to many, many emails.

73, Chad WE9V
Once a new ham who has learned to dream and build towards
a large station, but realizes his financial and geographical
limitations, and is happy with all of that.

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