[CQ-Contest] Re: K3NM/LU9AY 40M SSB FCC Fiasco

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Thu Oct 11 14:45:58 EDT 2001

Most of the guys Jeff refers to on 75 SSB never use a callsign while
QRMing contesters.  There are exceptions, of course.  For some reason, I
have not found the same to be true of the non-contesters on 40 meters
(and the higher bands).  They generally use their callsigns and are
polite.  I don't know what it is about 75 meters that makes them so
different.  I have very little experience with contesting on 160 SSB
(only a few NAQPs, etc.), but from what I have been reading lately, the
160 non-contesters on SSB may be more like the 75 meter group.

The 75 meter group have often achieved their purpose with me.  I have
often changed bands or just quit operating a SSB contest when it becomes
impossible to find a frequency on SSB where I can make QSOs in a
contest, but don't get intentional QRM.  I have heard others slug it out
with them (including a very famous and respected contester, or at least
someone signing his call), but my blood pressure won't allow me to do

I agree that determining who is right and who is wrong is difficult when
people are signing their calls, but those who never sign their calls and
just cause deliberate QRM because they can't have total silence on
"their" frequency are definitely wrong.  I'd think they wouldn't be in a
very good position to complain.  Any recording made by them would have
to be doctored to show them in the right.

Thank goodness I have been assigned 10 meters in the next CQ WW SSB M/M


John, K4BAI.

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>From Chris" <chris at g3vbl.co.uk  Thu Oct 11 19:57:39 2001
From: Chris" <chris at g3vbl.co.uk (Chris)
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 19:57:39 +0100
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <E15rl1X-000MiB-00 at mk-smarthost-1.mail.uk.worldonline.com>


I shall shortly be on vacation in the Far East for a couple of weeks and
wonder whether there is anyone who might be interested  in a chat or dinner or

21 October to 24 October         Yangon, Myanmar
25 October to 03 November     Bangkok, Thailand

Chris G3VBL/8P9EM

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