[CQ-Contest] Re: K3NM/LU9AY 40M SSB FCC Fiasco

Tom Rauch W8JI at contesting.com
Fri Oct 12 11:10:08 EDT 2001

There are always many sides to a problem.

>  I find it hard to believe that the DX stations that are working split
> on both 75 and 40 meters are not hearing the QSO's that are going on
> by these guys who claim they are being "intentionally QRM'ed".

I work contests, ragchew, and work DX. I enjoy it all. I really have 
no preference one way or another.

Honestly, I can say every time I have been operating while not in a 
contest, contest operators pile right on top of me. The usual "MO" 
is the quick distorted garbled bark of "frequency-in-use?", often 1 
kHz off frequency so you really can't understand it, and before you 
have time to grab the dial or the mic they start calling away.

Then, when I tell them as fast as is humanly possible the 
frequency was in use, I get a load of crap about "I asked, why 
didn't you answer?".  

I'm sure we all regret this, but unfortunately it does not just happen 
on rare occasions. It happens often in EVERY busy contest.

It obviously doesn't matter how loud I am or the station I am 
working is, unless we are so loud virtually all other QSO's on the 
frequency are impossible. Advising someone the frequency was in 
use almost always results in a "fight". 

So it is doubled-edged problem, it cuts both ways.

> many times that on 75 meters I have called CQ , listening down for DX,
> and then gone back to my transmit frequency to find out that I am
> being QRM'ed by some guy saying "damn contester go away" or some guy
> who just starts up a QSO with his buddy and just ignores you because
> he had a schedule. 

That happens on 75 meters no matter WHAT "operating mode" we 
are in. One of the rare times I went on 75, someone came on well 
after I started a QSO and told me to move because he "met his 
buddies there every day". When I stayed, he threatened to "drive 
over and shoot me". Obviously he was not thinking correctly at the 

On the other hand on 160 meters, I had a well-known W4 contestor 
actually threaten to "kick my ass" because I asked someone 
ELSE (not even him) to please move his SSB off a DX station on a 
DXpedition on 1824. He didn't want to use his callsign either, 
although he eventually did.

Neither example is a reflection on contestors in general, or non-
contestors. It is just two people who woke up on the wrong side of 
the bed that day. I have bad days also (although I have to admit I 
never have threatened anyone with physical harm, although I have 
sentenced people to radio-prison).

We should be careful not to blame every operator for actions of a 
few! There are less-than-perfect people on all sides!

What Riley brings to the table is this. He makes people who are 
intentional problem makers think about what they are doing.

Personally I hope the FCC starts enforcing transmitter bandwidth 
issues. We need less splattering clicking rigs or the bands will 
eventually become like 27 MHz. I'm amazed the ARRL doesn't put 
pressure on manufacturers to build clean amplifiers and radios!
73, Tom W8JI
W8JI at contesting.com 

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>From Goran ANDRIC, S55OO.com" <s55oo at lea.hamradio.si  Sat Oct 13 22:30:28 2001
From: Goran ANDRIC, S55OO.com" <s55oo at lea.hamradio.si (Goran ANDRIC, S55OO.com)
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2001 23:30:28 +0200
Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQWW Assisted discrimination
Message-ID: <015d01c1542e$479fd350$37070d0a at mobitel.si>

Hi contesters and CQ Committe!

I read the CQ Magazine and saw how you apel to submit logs in Assisted =
category for packet users! I think that there is no sysop who would help =
you trace DXcluster cheating and that you still should consider making =
just ONE and only CATEGORY!=20

1. It is totaly not fer for those who submit results as Assisted that =
they are not published on main table in the Magazine too but just on =
some page 109+ (some of "Cheaters" are anyway on page 13)! There is not =
so small number of Assisted operators and they deserve to be in charts =
too! This is also some reason for that kind of climing results!!!

2. As you told me several years ago that one of the reasons Commite =
decided to devide categories was because
there was no Packet Radio in African countries, Internet on deserted =
islands, etc. Years goes on and even on deserted islands got Internet, =
satelittes are working almost for free and even pile-ups are bigger then =
in EU, NA, ASIA! So there is no reason for such thing anymore.=20

3. If you carefuly check Top results you'll notice that always SINGLE =
OPERATOR beats SINGLE OPERATOR ASSISTED! What should be the reason of =
use this
services if they are just desturbing you??? I guess many of them is =
using it but not clime it! Am I correct?

So my advice is to consider what I am telling you and find the solution =
for everbody, even category Anarchy would suite more than this so called =

Goran ANDRIC, S55OO.com

p.s. This is just my point of view after many operated contests...and =
BTW there are also some members of your committe doing it!

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