[CQ-Contest] CQ & anthrax scare

KI9A at aol.com KI9A at aol.com
Fri Oct 26 12:44:14 EDT 2001

After sitting on W2VU's open letter trying to explain his magazines policy on 
paper logs, I have finally come to a head.

I have been emailing logs for about 4 years now, it is, in my opinion, the 
only way to do it. My problem is W2VU comparing CQ to the FCC, Senate & House 
of Congress, as targets. Hmmm. Yeah, right....

If CQ is afraid of picking up spores from the mail "rubbing up" against 
infected mail, a specialist on FOX news this morning said "there is ZERO 
chance of inhalation anthrax infection from mail rubbing against infected 
mail".  Someone sending CQ anthrax, hell, that is nothing short of arrogance! 
To think a magazine that is unknown outside of our hobby is a target? HA!

I will join K3ZO & others in volunteering to open CQ's mail. ( does this 
include subscription payments?? ;-) )

In these uncertain times, we DO need to maintain vigilance, we need to be 
careful. Yes, after receiving my mail, I use a hand disinfectant, but, I 
always have this time of year (flu season ). CQ has, no doubt, bent over for 
the terrorists. 

I will be on all CQ sponsored contests this year, I will email my logs. But, 
I will, never, ever subscribe to this magazine......

73 & CU all this weekend!
Chuck Schneebeli KI9A


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>From Silver Ward" <hwardsil1 at mindspring.com  Fri Oct 26 16:35:55 2001
From: Silver Ward" <hwardsil1 at mindspring.com (Silver Ward)
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 16:35:55 +0100
Subject: [CQ-Contest] amps in series
Message-ID: <00ce01c15e33$e79306c0$23eebfa8 at ward>

> I suppose I could line up six SB-220's this way, with a sp6t
> switch and have an el cheapo Alpha 87a.
> Dave Hachadorian, K6LL

Dave has just invented the SO2R6A category.  And made his air conditioning
power supplier much happier.

73, Ward N0AX

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