[CQ-Contest] Re: JT1BG Needs Help

Ken Claerbout K4ZW at Staffnet.com
Sat Sep 8 02:14:29 EDT 2001

  A special thanks to W3GH for stepping up and supplying the tubes.  I've
received a number of e-mails asking about support for this effort.  The
primary goal is to put up some decent lowband RX & TX antennas at JT1CO.
However, I'm also bringing along a bunch of supplies in general with the
hopes that it will encourage some additional zone 23 activity especially
during the upcoming CQWW contests.
   There's still room for donations, to my CBA, if any club or individual
wants to kick in a few bucks to offset the cost of items such as coax,
rotator, rotator cable, wire, rope, power supply, etc.  K4YT & I are going
fully loaded!

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