[CQ-Contest] Nonstop 48 hours for SO in CQWW

Tautvydas Misiûnas tautvydas at achema.com
Tue Sep 11 11:18:58 EDT 2001

My hat is down to John K4BAI and James N6TJ!
I can only envy Your vitality and phantastic health .But these cases are
more or less extreme ones.
Anyway,from my point of view , contest is not an ace based sport only and
length of the operation in it should be in line with sane mind and  general
medical  understanding.I have read many remarks in the logs of
contesters(including K4BAI) ,where  their hallucinations were described .I
still do not think that our body has to be raped this way,when it is
possible to make contest long enough  to use all propagation opportunities
and to go to Your work on monday in good mood.I mean 36 hours with max 3
rest periods.Maybe CQ Contest could collect general opinion re.this in their


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