[CQ-Contest] Contester hams caring about each other....

K7bv at aol.com K7bv at aol.com
Tue Sep 11 16:06:41 EDT 2001

Subj:    Sorry!... Sorry!... Sorry!...
Date:   9/11/01 11:13:27 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From:   ta3j at yahoo.com (Berkin AYDOGMUS)
To: cstepina at arrl.org, k7bv at aol.com, kr6x at kr6x.com, N5NJ at arrl.net
CC: w4an at contesting.com, km3t at contesting.com

We are very sorry to hear about the terrorist attack in USA. 

We can't find words to explain our feelings. It is unbelievable. We are just 
hoping to have less loses.

To: ta3j at yahoo.com
CC: w4an at contesting.com, km3t at contesting.com
CC: cstepina at arrl.org, kr6x at kr6x.com, N5NJ at arrl.net

It is very kind of you to remember us at this terrible moment.  I am sure I 
speak for all US citizens when I say that we are so very sad for the loses so 
many of our families must now live with.  We pray the craziness is over and 
that there are not more horrible surprises in our near future and that our 
leaders will react to this act of terrorism in a controlled and appropriate 

73 Dennis K7BV

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