[CQ-Contest] Re: Anti MASTER.DTA + more

Alan Braun albraun at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 16 00:17:57 EST 2002

With TR, at least, you can't lock the data file anyway. It is a text file
and can be edited with any generic text file editor, then loaded back into
TR to make the cbr file. CT uses a binary file & could be locked, I guess,
but I disagree with that concept for all the reasons so well set forth

Alan NS0B

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly Taylor" <ve4xt at mb.sympatico.ca>
To: "Shelby Summerville" <k4ww at arrl.net>
Cc: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Re: Anti MASTER.DTA + more

> Shelby, it's not a typing contest. If you copy VE4XT but your finger
> straddles 4 and 5 when you type and it's logged before you notice it,
> you have the right to change it from VE45XT or VE54XT to VE4XT? (TR, for
> example, only lets you edit five QSOs back real-time.)
> Similarly, if your .cty file isn't up to date before the contest
> this isn't computer science class) and you notice, as we did yesterday,
> D88S is misclaimed as Korea, should you not have the right to post edit so
> the multiplier is correct?
> Most loggers don't give you access real-time to the multiplier field, so
> must correct it after the contest. Here's another example of an honest
> post-edit: our logger, for some as-yet unknown reason, won't recognize AK
> HI. Yet we worked them, logged them as best we could, with side notes to
> indicate required fixes. Should we be denied credit? I think not. It's a
> little anal, I think, to require someone to shut down a 300-Q rate, log
> k1ea, download the .cty and .sec and upload to the operating computer
> proceeding.
> Should we be denied the right to know our true claimed score? I think not.
> Why, prithee tell, should this be any different than the paper log days,
> when nobody seemed to object to clarifications of poor penmanship? It
> a penmanship contest. Few people would have argued that the squiggle
> V and 4XT wasn't intended to be an E.
> Where post editing takes a quantum leap across the line is when someone is
> scanning the "claimed scores" listing and realizes that the K4JW who gave
> serial number of 2467 in the dying minutes of the contest isn't on the
> claimed score list, but K4WW who finished with 2475 is and then changes
> Similarly, looking up AI6V on Ham-Call and realizing he couldn't have been
> in SB and changing it to EB (or whatever it should be) is also wrong.
> The point of logging is to accurately reflect what happened ON THE RADIO,
> not how well you manipulate computers. If you did work VE4XT and you did
> copy VE4XT and his exchange correctly, it's not wrong to make it appear
> way in the log. It's when you worked VE4XT but think you worked VE4DM and
> logged VE4DM then your log should reflect that you busted the call.
> The point of logging is not to see how good a typist you are.
> These are RADIO contests, not computer contests. If they were, why bother
> with antenna farms? If what you want are typing contests, go to
> school. They'll give you more typing contests than you can handle.
> Also, if you're going to "lock" the QSO file at contest end, you can kiss
> Cabrillo goodbye. Cabrillo itself is a form of post-editing. While you may
> be able to "lock" the .bin, you can't lock the .cbr as it's just a text
> file.
> 73, kelly
> ve4xt
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Shelby Summerville" <k4ww at arrl.net>
> To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 4:30 AM
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Re: Anti MASTER.DTA + more
> > "Kelly Taylor" <ve4xt at mb.sympatico.ca> wrote: "VE4XT - Unrealistic,
> > every contester takes typing classes and every
> > logging program becomes 100 per cent bug free, which none are. I'm not
> > suggesting it's OK to do things like tape a contest and then scrub the
> > for copying errors, but you should have the freedom to fix things like a
> > broken multiplier (the equivocal callsign thing again), fix honest typos
> > (it's not a typing contest, remember) and apply the fixes from the
> > notes that you made during the contest. That's fair."
> >
> > Please define the difference in "typos" and "incorrect information"? If
> you
> > "copy it correctly, but enter in incorrectly..then it's not correct"!
> > contest has an established "time frame", and, IMHO, any/all editing
> > be done within that time frame! I really see on difference in "post
> contest
> > editing" and "pre contest editing", and that certainly isn't allowed?
> >
> > All that being said...Happy Holidays to all.
> >
> > Shelby, K4WW
> >
> >
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