[CQ-Contest] RTTY sigs down around 7035...

Chuck discreetly_confidential at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 11 13:41:05 EST 2002

--- Jim Reisert <ad1c at yahoo.com> wrote:

Remember, it's a two-way street.  I would expect that
many USA stations will get E-mail from Europe when we chose
to listen for them on 40 meter SSB below 7.040.  But would
we be so brazen to do the same thing when they are CQing
down  there?
> Plain and simple, 40 meters needs to be fixed.  

de k3ft.. Yes, I do agree. 40 is broken. But the fix for
that is a WARC decision which then has to be implemented by
the USA (FCC) and that will take at least 5 years or more,
even if they decide in 2002 to change it. So a good long
term fix, is to fix 40, but for now.. the time at hand, the
method would not involve EMAIL.

personally, EMAIL tends to be to 'instant transmit without
time for reflection on what is desired to be said' and
leads to all sorts of issues.

A nicely written, well thought out, short document with a
nicely written cover letter will be an informative thing
without any hint or overtone of 'you are bad' or 'you are
not where you OUGHTA be!' type tone.

The reciever can reject or accept, but it does get the info
out there.  Heck.. as somewhat of an optimist, I can see
that application of this in one or two contests might even
spark some RTTY'ers to give the RTTY contests a try or
(gasp) provoke them to take their fingers off the green
keyes (that dates me) and place them on the hand key.

Heck.. it's somewhat out there, interms of a suggestion..
but better to light a candle...

vy 73

Chuck K3FT|

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