[CQ-Contest] Live propagation information...

K4SB k4sb at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 27 21:08:49 EST 2003

"Tomas (NW7US)" wrote:
> Hi, folks.
> When planning DXing, it is useful to have information regarding current
> ionospheric conditions, and so forth.  I have been supplying a collection of
> live resources (solar flux and ssn, Ap, Kp, solar wind conditions, and so forth)
> through my eAlert service.  I have now created an "RSS" feed of the same
> information.

This is interesting. While browsing through CQ yesterday, MFJ has a
"beacon" device on 
page 21. Sort of confusing.....first they say the unit has to be
hooked up to a radio RX, and then later, say it's a "stand alone
unit". If it's truly a "stand alone", then I'm going to hook it up to
my AUX RX input...):>

Anyway, wonder if such a device would be helpful in contests..Be nice
to hook it to a second radio....let's see..new class for contests.
Single Operator 1 Transmitter 2 Receivers ):>

Comments on the device? 


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