[CQ-Contest] More sprints

Jim Stevens k4ma at nc.rr.com
Mon Feb 9 22:58:07 EST 2004

As far as SSB Sprint is concerned, I would be willing to do the log checking
for at least one more
Sprint.  I do think we have to be careful when and how many we schedule
because Sprints
tend to be more disruptive (although smaller) to the bands than normal
contests because of the
QSY rule which tends to lead to almost everyone not checking if the
frequency is in use before

73, Jim K4MA
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kelly Taylor" <ve4xt at mb.sympatico.ca>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 6:58 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] More sprints

> Hi all,
> Not to put too fine a point on it, but all anyone needs to do to get more
> sprints going is agree to organize it...
> I'd love the idea. Don't have the time myself, but it seems to me that
> organizing this would require:
> Arranging for log checking. Perhaps the commissioners of the existing
> contests (k4ma - ssb, n6tr - cw) could offer suggestions, or if it's not
> proprietary or otherwise a sensitive issue, make available the software.
> Choosing dates. (Could be tricky, though as someone has suggested, it
> doesn't necessarily have to be a Saturday night.)
> Advertising: posts to this reflector, placement in QST and CQ contest
> columns and NCJ and, possibly, e-mails to entrants to the last sprints, if
> possible.
> Establishing an electronic log submission system, likely just an e-mail
> address (could even use a personal one, for that matter).
> As for rules, I'd just go with what's already in place for the existing
> Sprints. Doubt the organizers would mind. We could even name the new
> as they come up in memory of a SK, to honor a noted contester or some
> scheme.
> If three or more supporters for this idea got together, the workload could
> be split up.
> There's certainly nothing stopping anyone who wants one from organizing
> their own.
> 73, kelly
> ve4xt
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