[CQ-Contest] K4OJ Remembered

Gerry Treas, K8GT k8gt at twmi.rr.com
Tue Feb 17 13:13:15 EST 2004

Good ideas, Barry.  Having spent my adult life in broadcasting (42 
years) and read in the trade mags just before the Superbowl that 
revenues from gaming is more that for commercial broadcasting.  I think 
you are onto something, there.

73, Gerry,  K8GT

Barry Merrill wrote:

>You make an excellent point: "gamers" are excellent candidates
>for ham radio contesting, and considering the number of ads
>aimed at gamers before the Superbowl, they are numerous.
>Maybe we could set up a KW Contest Station at one of these
>weekend gamer sessions where they bring in all of their souped up
>computers, and show them our game with real variables of
>skill and propagation and station building.
>Besides, that KW and indoor antenna's RFI should knock out all
>their unprotected machines, so you'd be king of the
>mountain, beating them all, and have undivided attention 
>to ham radio contesting, at least for a little while!
>Barry, W5GN
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