[CQ-Contest] Boundaries Between ITU Zones 6/7/8

Nat Heatwole nat at ajheatwole.com
Thu Jul 8 14:18:50 EDT 2004

> That's certainly your perogative, but a casual
> contester sending the wrong exchange and a full time
> participant, cognizant of both the rules and
> boundaries, sending the incorrect exchange is
> different.
> But feel free to do what every you feel is correct.
> Rich KE3F

I was not actually seriously suggesting that one send some far off (such
as 42 in my case) zone; I was attempting to get you to realize what you
were really saying. Your statement that the zone map is, to one degree
or another, unimportant, seems to downplay in large lart the purpose and
valididity of the whole operating event. Maybe in the long run it won't
make a substantial difference, but once we encourage lazy and sloppy
opering, whos to say where is ends? The anti-packet people already have
an answer for that one...

Nat - WZ3AR

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