[CQ-Contest] Log checking questions

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Thu Dec 15 16:30:29 EST 2005

On Thu, 15 Dec 2005, Steve London wrote:

> Put yourself in the shoes of a contest log-checker.
> (All calls, contests, and times in this example are completely ficticious.)
> In checking the logs, you notice that a number of stations claim to have 
> worked XY8Z between 1700-1730Z. No other QSO's with XY8Z occurred at 
> other times during the contest. You have personal knowledge that XY8Z 
> was not active in the contest. On a whim, you go to the DX Summit and 
> enter XY8Z in the spot database search. You find a single spot for XY8Z 
> at 1658Z. You also notice that many of the logs claiming to have worked 
> XY8Z were submitted as single-operator, without assistance.
> Were those logs entered in the wrong category, either accidently or 
> maliciously ?  What would you do as contest log checker ?
> 73,
> Steve, N2IC

Depends.  A few years ago I was operating unassisted in All-Asia CW and 
stumbled across 4S7AX calling CQ. He started working a pileup of JA's.  I 
managed to work him but he was only QRV for a half hour.  It turns out he 
was a pirate.

73, Zack W9SZ

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