[CQ-Contest] SO2R without LPT port Was: RE: SO2R with KENWOOD Radios +++

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Sat Jan 22 17:23:02 EST 2005

OK, extending the notion one further -- could one use a USB-to-parallel 
cable (cost, ~$17.00) and supply all the signals currently needed by a 
standard LPT port SO2R box?  All you need to do is control pins 14,16 and 
17 for basic SO2R functionality, plus DVK control and so on.  Doable?

PS I found some Centronic to DB-25 adaptors on the web, so connectors 
aren't an issue.

73, Pete N4ZR

At 05:18 PM 1/22/2005, Joe Subich, K4IK wrote:

> > It seems as if this job could be reasonably done with some sort of
> > serial-to-bcd converter, appropriately programmed for the Kenwoods,
> > followed by the TopTen style decoders.  The trouble with this
> > new-generation stuff is that it's really pricey, so far.
>The problem is the need to "read" the serial data stream and catch
>the proper VFO commands.  That requires a UART in, some intelligence
>(PIC or more advanced microprocessor), a UART out and a parallel
> > Another, somewhat related topic.  Ultimately, parallel ports
> > are going away too.  Is there any SO2R hardware out there that
> > can sense Radio A/B toggles from any source except LPT pin 14?
>Not to my knowledge ... I know of one vendor working on a standard
>for serial control using USB virtual ports and custom hardware.
>Unfortunately, this will take a serial port of the "opposite" sense
>of the normal PC port.  The PC port (DTE) has only two controllable
>output lines: DTR and RTS ... while the opposite port (DCE) has four
>controllable outputs: DSR, CTS, CD, and RI.
> > Is there any logging *software* that provides serial A/B switching?
>Not to my knowledge.
>    ... Joe, K4IK

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