[CQ-Contest] New Version of DOS Bootable CD Creation - 1.1 ALPHA

Mark Bailey kd4d at comcast.net
Mon Oct 31 21:18:09 EST 2005

Good day, all:

I have started a new version of my procedure to create a bootable
DOS CD.  This CD can be used to boot virtually ANY modern
PC-compatible computer into DOS (either FreeDOS or MS-DOS).
If you have a little patience and a CD burner, you can create
a "Live CD" which will boot DOS!

With this procedure, you can customize the DOS installation,
startup scripts, and such.  This is still a draft...I need a
few volunteers to test it and provide suggestions.

The MS-DOS 7.1 installation automatically loads a CD driver,
which means that you can have hundreds of megabytes worth of
files on the CD that DOS can access.  Things like TR-Log, CT,
master.dta files, ... :-)

I also am working on a FreeDOS version which contains a program
called NTFS4DOS which allows reading and writing NTFS partitions
(used by WindowsXP) from DOS CD's.

Let me know if you want to help me test this procedure and I'll
send you a pdf file.  I can also send you the ISO file for the
FreeDOS CD with NTFS4DOS if you want to try that.


Mark, KD4D

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