[CQ-Contest] UBN call confirmed by LOTW ?!?!?!!?

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr at k3lr.com
Sat Apr 15 14:02:53 EDT 2006

Hi Jamie!

8P1A and 8P5A are callsigns used by W2SC during CQWW 2005

8P1A was used on phone for CQWW by W2SC
8P5A was used for CQWW CW by W2SC

8P1A is a busted call for CQWW CW (spotted busted on the DX cluster as well
looking at OH2AQ) for 36 logs (according to your CQWW CW UBN report).

Not sure what time and date you worked 8P1A during the CW contest, but one
correction to the 8P1A spot was really ZF1A as noted in the cluster logs.
So it is very possible that you worked ZF1A or maybe 8P5A, but not 8P1A, as that
station/operator was using 8P5A during CQWW CW.

Are you certain that there is a LoTW entry for 8P1A on the exact date/time/mode
during CQWW CW for your specific QSO?

Tim K3LR

WW3S wrote:

> Just got my UBN report for CQWW CW....I had a -B for 8P1A 40m ( if I read it
> correctly 36 other logs claimed him/her also)...lost the mult plus the
> points/penalty. Being curious I checked LOTW and saw my " bad" qso confirmed
> !!!! What happened? Did 8P1A not send a log to CQWW?
> 73, Jamie WW3S
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