[CQ-Contest] WRTC2006 LOG SW

PY5EG py5eg at inepar.com.br
Wed Feb 1 13:19:54 EST 2006

Dear Friends:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


After considerable deliberation, the WRTC Committee has now changed

the way the on-site competition will be scored. On-site competitor's

logs will now be scored exactly the same way that IARU Contest logs 

are scored.


This will permit competitors to use any logging program of their

choosing, something that has been requested by a number of participants.

The only requirement will be to submit an IARU Cabrillo-compliant log.

Note that use of callsign and/or name databases to verify callsigns

is still not permitted.


The scoring change will eliminate the need for logging-software

authors to produce special versions of their programs that will be

used for only one event, as well as the chance that some unknown

software bug may still be present in a version that has not been

subjected to extensive testing. It will also eliminate the need for

special log-checking and log-scoring software.


Note that the IARU rule 4.2.1. "Must remain on a band and mode for at

least 10 minutes before changing bands or modes," does not apply to

the WRTC competition. Our on-site referees will insure that only a

single transmitter is used.


Note that multipliers will now be as defined by IARU rule 8:


8. Multipliers: The total number of ITU zones plus IARU member society

HQ stations worked on each band (not mode). IARU officials represent a

maximum of four multipliers per band (AC, R1, R2 and R3)


8.1. IARU member society HQ stations and officials do not count for

zone multipliers.


8.2. To qualify as the special multiplier, Administrative Council and

Regional Executive Committee stations must only be operated by the

individual station licensee as single operator entry.


This change should also somewhat reduce any advantage previous WRTC

competitors have over first-timers, as the IARU participation has

always been open to all amateurs.


The WRTC 2006 Contest Rules document will be changed accordingly, and

a update will be released shortly. 


WRTC-2006 is a non-profit event put on by unpaid volunteers. We will

Continue to review our program, and may occasionally modify something to

facilitate a smooth operation with the resources that we have.


Thank you for your understanding and support.



Atilano de Oms PY5EG














































Atilano de Oms 
Av. Luis Alberto 1262 - Araraquara - SP CEP 14802-620 


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